they were inivented for your safety and less car accedents and city wont have to worry that much about it anymore(:
for our life if any accedents occur.or to our family after our death
some inshurense dont cover skateboard or rollerblade accedents.
auto accedents pobably caused by underage drinking
HERE IS THE BEST INSULT EVER!!! were you born on the highway, cause that's were most accedents happen
I think about 100 in the USA a day...
a lot
Too many!
One can get short term car insurance for 1 day from many insurance companies. 'Tempcover', 'insure4aday' and '1daycarinsurance' all offer 1 day car insurance.
1,783, precicely.
In the U.S. an average of more than 90 people per day are killed in car accidents.