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Total momentum

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Q: A quantity which is conserved in the collision of a car and a truck is?
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Is the total angular momentum conserved when there is a two car collision?

In a two-car collision, the total angular momentum is conserved only if no external torque is acting on the system. If there is no net external torque exerted on the cars during the collision, the total angular momentum before the collision will be equal to the total angular momentum after the collision.

Explain how momentum is conserved when a car hits a bicycle?

When a car hits a bicycle, momentum is conserved because the total momentum of the system (car + bicycle) before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. This means that the combined momentum of the car and bicycle remains constant despite the collision, with some of the momentum transferring between the two objects during the impact.

When moving freight car collides with an identical one that is at rest. If momentum is conserved what happens to the second car after the collision?

If momentum is conserved, the second car will start moving in the opposite direction with the same speed and momentum as the first car after the collision. This is due to the principle of conservation of momentum, which states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant before and after a collision.

A car and a truck have a collision The truck has a mass 8 times the mass of the car if the truck is moving at 60kmhr and the car is stationary how fast do the two move after their inelastic collision?

In an inelastic collision, the two vehicles will stick together and move at a common velocity after the collision. The velocity after the collision can be calculated using the principle of conservation of momentum. Since the car is stationary, the final velocity after the collision will be 60/9 = 6.67 km/hr.

Suppose a train car moving down a track at 10 ms hits another train car that is not moving Explain how momentum is conserved after the collision?

Suppose that 1st car is X-car and the 2nd car is Y-car. Answer: After the collision, car X is no linger moving, but car Y is moving.

How is momentum conserved in a vehicle collision?

In a vehicle collision, momentum is conserved because the total momentum of the two vehicles before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two vehicles after the collision. This means that the combined momentum of the vehicles remains constant, even though there may be a redistribution of momentum between the vehicles during the collision.

A moving freight car collides with an identical one that is at rest. If momentum is conserved what happens to the second car after the collision?

The second car will begin to move in the same direction as the first car after the collision, with a speed that depends on the masses and velocities of the two cars before the collision. Momentum conservation ensures that the total momentum of the system remains constant.

Comparison between elastic and inelastic collision?

In an elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved and momentum is conserved. Both objects bounce off each other after the collision. In an inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not conserved, but momentum is conserved. The objects stick together or deform after the collision.

When a toy truck collides with a toy car the momentum of is the same before and after collision?


A 500kg truck moving at 30ms strikes a parked 300kg car they connect together and move forward what is the speed of the car and truck as they move forward connected together after the collision?

A Lot!

Who is most likely to be injured in a car and ten wheeler truck collisions?

In a car and ten-wheeler truck collision, occupants of the car are more likely to be injured due to the size and weight disparity between the vehicles. The occupants of the car are at a higher risk of injury due to the impact force generated by the larger and heavier truck.

What does a recovery truck do?

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