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More than likely courts will point the finger at the driver unless proven that the pedestrian had intent to jump in get hit to sue. As a driver courts will indicate that you should have paid careful attention and should not have been driving fast on local roads despite that it may have been green light for you.

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Q: A pedestrian walk out in the street with his headphone in this ear and go hit by a car who is at fault?
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When possible a pedestrian should walk on what side of street?

The opposite direction of the car

If a street has no sidewalks is a pedestrian allowed to walk on private property to avoid walking in the road?

It is never okay to walk on private property without permission. If the pedestrian walks on private property, the pedestrian is a trespasser.

Whose fault is it if I hit a person crossing the street at night not in a cross walk?

their fault because they werent in the cross walk

How do you use the word pedestrian in a sentence?

The pedestrian walk was clearly marked by the white lines.The car mowed down the pedestrian where he stood.A pedestrian has the right of way when crossing the street. (noun - walker)His writing grew less interesting, and many soon found it stale and pedestrian. (adjective - dull)

Who is at fault when you hit a pedestrian?

In most states and jurisdictions the motor vehicle is at fault if you hit a pedestrian. This is because the driver has a better chance of avoiding the collision. Now if the pedestrian darts between two vehicles or jaywalks in an area between crosswalks you will have some liability as well. The driver is responsible for looking for walking people where people are legally allowed to walk but not necessarily where they shouldn't be or where they can't see a pedestrian.

What action should you take if you encounter a pedestrian crossing the street where there is no marked cross walk?

Yield the right of way to them, as they are still pedestrians.

What is a pedestrian mower?

A pedestrian mower is one you walk behind.

What is the light of the pedestrian crossing called?

Pedestrian walk-lights.

If a car hits a pedestrian crossing where there is no walk signal who is responsible in Connecticut?

It depends on the circumstances. If the pedestrian ran out in front of the care carelessly, it is the pedestrians fault for endangering their own safety. If the driver of the car was speeding or not concentrating properly, it is the drivers fault for disobeying the rules of the road. Police will examine eyewitness reports and CCTV recordings to determine which is to blame.

What side of the road should a pedestrian walk?

If there is no pathway, the pedestrian should walk facingthe oncoming traffic.i.e in India pedestrians should walk on the right hand side of the road.

What do you call a person who walk on foot?

A pedestrian.

What does headphones do?

Allows you to have 2 or more headphone ports in the same device