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Insurance is based on liability. In other words the person who is At Fault must pay for any damage caused. It makes no difference whether the at-fault driver crashes into an animal, a person, a parked car, a moving vehicle or even a wall or some street furniture.

The problem in most cases is (1) finding the person responsible and (2) recovering the money if they are not covered by insurance. Trying to prove it is the first step.

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Q: A parked car that is not being driven is hit without insurance is the person who hit it responsible to pay for the damage?
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In a one car accident who is responsible for damage to the vehicle if it was driven by someone other than the owner?

The primary insurance would be the policy that insures the vehicle.

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if car was driven by storage employee or anyone who is affliated with storage facility. Yes, it will be convered by their insurance. However, if the vehical was driven by a owner, his or her car insurance company will be responsible. best way to resolve this issue, contact your insurance agent or provider! asian623

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Yes. The car dealer is responsible for insurance when cars are test driven. They only need to make certain the potential driver has a valid license.

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I am not positive but I would guess that (saying your BF is at fault)1) Your insurance will not cover your car since it was driven by someone without a liceance2) Your BF's insurance is not valid since he does not have a drivers liceance (even though it is active)3) You will be personally responsible for the damages to your car and your BF will be responseable to any damages he has cause during the accident.

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In most states, anyone who drives a car needs to be listed on the insurance. If an accident were to occur then the husband could be liable for allowing the car to be driven without insurance.

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Probably not. Insurance companies will always look for ways to negate or lower the amount of claim damage they have to pay out as compensation. Driving the vehicle without a license (or a suspended one) would constitute a breech of the contract/ agreement and they would not pay. Although if the vehicle were stolen and then driven by an unlicensed party (and the incident reported to the authorities), they would have to pay.

If a mother owned a car with full coverage insurance and her 22 year old son with a license took it without permission and had an accident would it be covered?

In a Non Permissive use accident, The insurer does not cover damage or injury to another party, However damage to the vehicle being driven will likely be covered the same as if the vehicle was stolen and damaged.

What is the difference between antique auto car insurance and regular car insurance?

Antique car insurance is usually based around replacement value and assumes the car will not be driven often except maybe to a car show. Regular car insurance is based around replacement value as well as potential damage and injury since it assumes the car will be driven regularly and have more potential for accidents rather then theft.

Can a uninsured car be driven by a insured driver?

Insurance is purchased for the car, not the driver. Until the car has been insured it cannot be driven by anyone. Note that most states do allow a short grace period after you purchase a car in which it can be driven without insurance to let you purchase insurance and handle title/registration paperwork. This grace period does not apply to a car that you have either allowed the insurance to lapse or have removed its insurance. If you already have another car insured (which it appears you do) and wish to drive a car that is not currently insured, contact your insurance agent and have them temporarily transfer the policy to the other car.

Do you need car insurance on a car that's not being driven but has a loan?

Ordinarily, the lender will require, as part of the terms of the loan, that the vehicle be kept insured for physical damage, so as to protect the value of the collateral. Damage can be done even if the car is not driven, such as by fire, storm damage, or similar occurrences which could be covered by comprehensive coverage. The loan documents will generally provide that in the event insurance is not maintained, the lender can secure physical damage coverage on the vehicle to protect its own interest. The cost of that "single interest" coverage is usually disproportionately high and will be added to the loan balance.

What kind of damage can be caused to trans axle driven without fluid?

The cogs and bearings inside can seize and/or run hot and lose their surface treatment.

If uncovered driver gets speeding ticket in your car?

If a person that is not covered by the insurance of the car being driven is given a ticket, the driver is responsible for the ticket. The insurance company that covers the car can tell the owner what affect it may or may not have for the policy owner.