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Yes, in a sense Kaname is Yuki's brother as he was raisedas her older brother. At quite a young age they had both made a promise that they would marry each other. Yet, although he was raised as her older brother he is not her true brother. If you've seen the Anime or read the Manga you'll know that Kaname was awoken from his grave by Rido - his master. So, Kaname is actually the ancient ancestor of the Kurans.

exactly, kaname is not yuki's brother he is her anscestor, but he is like an older brother to her

They're not blood related siblings, but Kaname was raised as if he was her real brother.

*** Yuuki had an older brother. when he was just born Rido, Yuuki's uncle, brought the baby to Kaname's corpse and resurrected the ancient Kaname with the newborn blood. Therefore, Kaname killed Yuuki's real older brother and restarted his life as a newborn. Yuuki's parents knew about this, yet they thought that raising the the ancient ancestor of the Kurans was a blessing. When Yuuki was born they were engaged, yet she didn't know it back then. That is also why Kaname is so protective of her.

If you are asking if kaname is really yuuki's older brother, then be warned, this is a spoiler.

yes, they are both related. Yuuki was a pureblood when she was little, but the return of her uncle, Rido, made her mother sacrifice herself to shut her "vampire" self and turned her into human. After years, Kaname finally makes Yuuki a vampire again by biting her and then giving her blood, thus making her memories come back, and thus revealing that Kaname is her older brother. I hope this helps

P.S <3 vampire knight is going to be dubbed in english. It comes out July 20th,2010!

Actually, kaname is the famous descendent, or the "king" of vampires. Rido awoke Kaname with the blood sacrifice of the true child of Juuri and Haruka. still thirsty and weak Kaname (yes, both the sacrificial baby and the descendent have the same name and) regresed into the state of a child in an attempt to replace the one Rido had killed and also to prevent the killing that the thirst would inevitable bring. Yes, they are related because yuki is descended from kaname but, they are not technicaly blood related in the way that normal sibings are. she did grow up with kaname and saw him as a brother, when she regains her memories she calls him 'oniisama' which means brother.

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Kaname is not Yuki's biological brother in Vampire Knight. They were raised as siblings, but it is later revealed that they are actually cousins. Kaname is a pureblood vampire with a complex relationship with Yuki.

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How many chapters are there in Vampire Knights?

There are now 70 chapters. the ending is kinda sad but yuki does end up with kaname they live together in a big house and have a lot of moments ^.^some kaname and yuki momants in the last volume (some really good chapters).vampire knight chapter 49 page 30.vampire knight chapter 61 page 6.vampire knight chapter 52 page 11read the capter onward form the page i tell you ok.

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the season 3of vampire knight is called vampire knight destiny not eternity and there are more than 3 seasons of vampire knightduh,,,,,,,,,you have got to watch this movie i'm sure you will love cause my classmates already watched it and they really really love itire knightThere isn't one yet but there will be and it will be called Vampire Knight Destiny or Vampire Knight Pure blood DestinyYes, there was a 4th season of the anime, Vampire Knight.

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Yes there is, its called Vampire Knight Guilty there might be a season 3 but i cant really be sure of it.

Are vampires really scary or friendly like moka in rosario vampire?

Depends on there a ability to control there desire for human blood. But this question cant realy be anwserd due to the fact that vampires dont exsist,so you can dicide for your self if vampires are scary or not. Rosario Vampire[Moka]-Friendly Vampire Knight[Kaname]-Neither scary neither to friendly Vampire Knight[Zero]-Neither scary neither to friendly Chibi Vampire[Karin]-Friendly Result:The majority of vampires in animes are friendly to gain more viewers