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Well, honey, in the world of "Vampire Knight," Kaname and Yuuki are raised as siblings, but spoiler alert: they're actually cousins. So, technically they're not blood-related siblings, but they do share a complicated family tree. It's a whole messy situation, but hey, that's vampire drama for you.

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14y ago


Kaname and Yuki are not real siblings.

SPOILERS! Don't read if you don't want to know what happens in the manga.

Kaname is really the Kuran ancestor, one of the very first vampires and the first Kuran. Rido sacrificed Yuki's real brother, who coincidentally was named Kaname, to awaken the Kuran ancestor.

Kaname had been sleeping for thousands of years and could not control his hunger when he awakened. At a last resort, he regressed his body into that of a baby's and erased all of his memories. He then left his fate in the hands of Haruka and Juri, their parents.

Haruka and Juri both thought Kaname the ancestor was their real baby, but their baby died when Rido sacrificed him. Kaname also believes he is their real child, since he erased him memories, until later he begins to regain snippets of his past. By the time Rido appears he fully remembers who he truly is.

Kaname and Yuki are blood related, but very very distantly.

Kaname also stated he would have been happier if he had been born as Yuki's real brother.

Recap, Kaname and Yuki are NOT siblings.

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14y ago

yes they are...well,.they are related..first as siblings,but turned out kaname is an the manga goes now,they are still together. should watch the anime and read the manga. story starts wd yuki saved by kaname a pureblood vamp,later on,yuki is a vamp too,pureblood like kaname,and his sister!!.. its chapter 61 now...exciting vz kaname told yuki hes not her real brother.

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14y ago

Because he fooled Juri and Haruka kuran by disguising himself as a baby by taking him in as their child. After yuuki was born he was her brother and she is also his fiancee but I still hope that kaname confesses to yuuki that he is not her brother only an ancestor.

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13y ago

No not really you see Kaname was one of the first members of the Kuran family and he was awakened later by i think Rido Kuran. (Yuki's uncle and Kaname's uncle) Rido kidnapped Juri and Haruka's first child who was named after Kaname and brought the child to Kaname's grave to awaken him and somehow Kaname switched lives with the child, but he still had all of his memories. So, really Yuki and Kaname are like half siblings or not all. This happens in the show and manga.

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14y ago

yes their brother and sister

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Who is best Kaname or Zero?

Actually, both are very great characters in their own respective way.Kuran Kaname may be the person who has suffered for so long while trying to protect Yuuki, but DON'T forget that Zero always suffered because Yuuki never loved him back. Adding the fact he has to continously bear the fact that he's a vampire now. As for Kaname, he temporarily used Ruka as his 'mistress' while Yuuki was still growing up. When she was old enough and the time was right, he'd just 'push' Ruka aside and go for Yuuki only.If you truly love someone, you should let them go and be free. When they come back to you, they were always yours. And when they don't, they never were yours.Zero let Yuuki go with Kaname, because he loved her and wanted her to be happy. Kaname was always very possessive of Yuuki.And to say the least: Zero doesn't need a bunch of screaming girls and a vampire gang to prove that he's hot. He can prove his smexiness without all of those ;)Conclusion: I wouldn't call Kaname the best, but ZERO KIRYUU DEFINITELY IS THE BEST!! Just like a TRUE VAMPIRE KNIGHT!!!

Why did kaname leave yuuki?

She is hes fiancee so ofcourse he wants her by his side.

Does aki end up with yusei?

If you're asking about the anime series Vampire Knight,then Yuki ends up with Kuran Kaname.However, that's the anime. The anime stops after season 2, when Rido is defeated; however, they discontinued the anime. The MANGA is still in progress, and we don't know if Yuuki leaves Kaname for Zero or not, which is a possibility, because she does love him. The cynic in me says that it's unbelievably unlikely for her to choose Zero over Kaname (despite the fact that she and Zero are better suited for each other - Kaname is the easier choice, which is why, I believe, she goes with him in the first place), unless Kaname dies, which I think is also very probable. Typically, the human brain is all about self-preservation - it will go with what's easiest, to prevent being hurt, even if it's futile. It will ignore the heart, and choose the easier solution, rather than the harder one, no matter how wonderful the ending of the harder solution may seem. This is assuming that the author is going for realism, of course.

Does Aido love Yuki?

Well duh I've read all the manga and watched all the episodes (in Japanese though) and it is so obvious that he likes her he asks her to dance with him and in the manga he always looks disappointed when yuuki and kaname kiss plus in the manga hes her personal protector!

Who is Rido Kuran?

Rido Kuran is Yuki's uncle and Kaname's master. [[User:Sole8tre|Sole8tre]] 13:16, 9 Jul 2009 (UTC)[[User:Sole8tre|Sole8tre]] 13:16, 9 Jul 2009 (UTC)[[User:Sole8tre|Sole8tre]] 13:16, 9 Jul 2009 (UTC)[[User:Sole8tre|Sole8tre]] 13:16, 9 Jul 2009 (UTC)[[User:Sole8tre|Sole8tre]] 13:16, 9 Jul 2009 (UTC)[[User:Sole8tre|Sole8tre]] 13:16, 9 Jul 2009 (UTC)~ well in fact Rido Kuran is also the father of Shiki!!!!!!!!!!.........And I think he is also Kaname's uncle because Yuuki and Kaname are siblings right?????

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In what volume does Yuuki leave with Kaname?

If this about Yuuki and Kaname leaving Cross Academy I believe that is in Volume 10 of Vampire Knight.

Does kaname love yuuki as a sister or something more?

kaname loves yuuki as something more than a sister (READ THE MANGA)

What happens to Yuuki's weapon in Vampire Knight chapter 41?

im not sure exactly what happens i get my chapters mixed up, but i think depending on which part of the manga your at if its after the vampire ball kaname gives it back to yuuki, if it is when yuuki and kaname go to the kuran house, kaname keeps it, if its when zero gets his power, kaname gets from yuuki im not sure exactly how but one moment yuuki's best friend gives it to her and the next kaname has it. hope i helped! :)

Is yuuki cross will dump zero-kun?

In the series "Vampire Knight," Yuuki Cross ultimately chooses Kaname Kuran over Zero Kiryu. This decision leads to a strained relationship between Yuuki and Zero, but not necessarily a direct dumping.

Does yuuki hate kaname?

She doesn't, she loves kaname, more then her life, and always have, she never hated him, and in "Vampire Knight Guilty" she chooses to be with kaname, instead of Zero. But zero is important to yuuki as well.

Is kaname going to hurt yuki in one of the coming magnas?

yes. I am always updated on vampire knight. Yuuki doesn't know that Kaname, her brother, isn't really her brother. Kaname is the ancestor of the kuran family. That's why in one of the manga's, Juuri (yuuki's mother) said "are you gonna steal her like you did with our first child?!!" Rido Kidnapped Juuri's and Haruka's First child and replaced his sole with the ancestor's. Yuuki's real brother was sacraficed. Kaname is in love with yuuki, So he tried to kill rido, (his master) But since he couldn't 'cause he is a mere servent to rido, he could never kill him. So, the "kaname" now is just pretending to be yuuki's brother. Kaname wishes that rido hasn't sacraficed the baby to revive him. In the manga/anime when kaname turned yuuki into a vampire (pureblood) Kaname looked at zero, and said. "I wish i was her "real" brother". So, i guess zero is the only one who know's that kaname isn't really heyyuki's brother.

Is yuuki really a pure blood in vampire knight?

Yes, she is. Towards the end of season two in the anime, it's revealed that Yuuki is a pureblood and Kaname's 'sister'.

Why did yuuki go with kaname instead of zero?

Kaname is Yuki's brother and they are bond to be wed

Will yuuki end up with zero or kaname?

Yuuki ends up with Kaname. Go to type in vampire knight and start reading. Hope I helped.

Does aidou hanabusa like kuran yuuki?

In the anime "Vampire Knight", Aidou Hanabusa does have romantic feelings for Kuran Yuuki, but she is in love with Kaname Kuran. Ultimately, Aidou respects Yuuki's feelings and supports her in her relationship with Kaname.

What anime series is Kaname and Yuuki from?

They are from the Vampire Knight anime.

Who are kaname kuran's real parents?

Kaname Kuran's real parents are Juri Kuran and Haruka Kuran. Juri and Haruka are pureblood vampires in the manga and anime series "Vampire Knight." Kaname is their biological son and is considered a powerful and important figure within the vampire society depicted in the series.