i am tiny an djt eudnc uycosdfvuy yodfvgbszuykvg yikuzvbgsfuykzvgberyuebgvryusogsdcvuyhsdgbviuydfgbvufydbvfduybvdfuhbvsdfubvfsduiyvibsdfuvybsdfuyvbdfuyv bvuifbvdfuyvbdfyvbdyuvbdvfydbhsvuidfysbvuydbvfs no
Red and blue are both colors with different properties; red is often perceived as warmer and more vibrant, while blue is seen as cooler and calming. The perception of darkness depends on various factors such as hue, tone, and brightness, so it is not accurate to say that red is inherently darker than blue.
Well, friend, both blue and red can be dark colors depending on their shades. Blue can be dark like the night sky, and red can be deep like a rich wine. It's all about how you mix and use them in your painting to create the right balance and depth. Just trust your instincts and enjoy the process of exploring these beautiful colors on your canvas.
The color black makes blue darker. Infact it makes any color darker.
Red stars can be smaller or larger than blue stars as there are two types of red star. Red dwarfs are much smaller than blue stars while red giants are much larger than blue stars.
Not necessarily. The color of a star is determined by its temperature, with blue stars being hotter than red stars. Size can vary independently of temperature, so a blue star can be larger or smaller than a red star.
A red object would appear dark or black when viewed through a blue filter because blue filters absorb red light, preventing it from passing through. This would result in the red object appearing much darker since it is not reflecting or transmitting the blue light that the filter allows to pass.
because 3 is bigger than 7...
Red and blue make the color purple, but for dark purple you would mix red and blue together and add a bit more blue than red to make it darker.
Well, friend, both blue and red can be dark colors depending on their shades. Blue can be dark like the night sky, and red can be deep like a rich wine. It's all about how you mix and use them in your painting to create the right balance and depth. Just trust your instincts and enjoy the process of exploring these beautiful colors on your canvas.
i think that indigo is lighter than violetNo sorry, I think indigo is darker than violet. Indigo is approximately 5 parts blue to 1 part red. The basic violet is 1 part blue to 1 part red.
Yes red is darker than green.
Yes orange is darker than light blue.
When blood cells have oxygen they are red, when they have no oxygen they are a darker shade of red.
It becomes a darker blue. Purple is a combination of red and blue so by adding more blue the color therefore becomes MORE blue. The red makes it darker
Yes, red is generally darker than orange. Red has a longer wavelength and thus appears darker than orange, which is a lighter and brighter color.
There are many shades of both color, so it would depend on what shade. Generally, I assume brown is darker than red.
Yes. Purple is farther down on the color wheel and the rainbow. Yet if you were to take a dark blue and light purple then blue is darker. But the normal colors of purple and blue, purple is darker. Compare Crayons, then you will notice.