Yes. Purple is farther down on the color wheel and the rainbow. Yet if you were to take a dark blue and light purple then blue is darker. But the normal colors of purple and blue, purple is darker. Compare Crayons, then you will notice.
Well, honey, purple is actually a combination of blue and red, so it can be darker or lighter depending on the shades used. But if you're talking about a true, deep purple compared to a standard blue, then yes, purple is typically darker. Just remember, colors are like opinions - everyone sees them a little differently!
Violet is lighter than indigo. Indigo is a darker shade of blue-purple, while violet is a lighter shade of purple with more of a pink undertone.
I actually think that indigo is a mix of blue and purple. But mostly purple is what I think. If you want to know then read this or look on the color wheel and see where indigo reaches further into blue or purple.
The blue ball will absorb some of the red light and reflect the rest. Since red and blue are on opposite ends of the color spectrum, the blue ball will appear darker and might look purple or black under red light.
Purple absorbs more light than pink because it has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength, which leads to greater absorption of energy. This causes purple to appear darker in color compared to pink, which reflects more light.
The colors with a wavelength shorter than blue are the violet or purple colors. They have shorter wavelengths because they are higher on the electromagnetic spectrum, meaning they have higher frequency. They also have higher energy, too.
Red and blue make the color purple, but for dark purple you would mix red and blue together and add a bit more blue than red to make it darker.
When you mix blue and purple, you get a darker shade of purple. The blue tones down the vibrancy of the purple, creating a more subdued color.
It becomes a darker blue. Purple is a combination of red and blue so by adding more blue the color therefore becomes MORE blue. The red makes it darker
it will probaly still make purple just a little darker
Violet is lighter than indigo. Indigo is a darker shade of blue-purple, while violet is a lighter shade of purple with more of a pink undertone.
Mixing purple and blue together will result in a darker shade of blue with purple undertones. The specific hue achieved will depend on the ratio of purple to blue used in the mixture.
You don't mix anything with brown to make purple because the color brown is darker than purple, and adding another color to brown would only result in a darker brown. Purple is made from red and blue.
Yes orange is darker than light blue.
Mixing purple and blue together will create a darker shade of blue with a hint of purple undertone. The resulting color will depend on the proportions of each color used in the mixture.
Purple and violet are similar colors but are not exactly the same. Purple is a mix of blue and red, while violet is a spectral color that falls between blue and purple in the visible light spectrum. Violet is often considered to be a more bluish shade of purple.
Purple and indigo are similar but not the same color. Purple is a combination of red and blue, while indigo is a darker shade of blue. Purple has more red in it compared to indigo, which leans towards a deep blue with hints of purple.
Between blue and purple, blue is more acidic than purple.