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It's certainly something that's potentially concerning.

Another term for heart flutter is PALPITATION. It is the subjective feeling and awareness of one's heart beat. It can be slow, regular or fast. It can be regular or irregular. And most important, it can be sustained or terminate on its own.

In older adults, Atrial fibrillation is the most common condition diagnosed when palpitations are associated with general and cardiovascular symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations and fatigue.

In younger people, anxiety or panic attacks are more common, but arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) are also common. Overactive thyroid is another common cause and easily uncovered by a blood test.

It is true that certain drugs, legal and illegal cause heart fluttering. Cocaine and amphetamine ("speed") often cause the abuser palpitations. Cold remedies that contain decongestants (phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine) also lead to palpitations.

Many prescription drugs are not tolerated well and cause palpitations.

If you experience SUSTAINED (longer than a few minutes, not just a couple of seconds like when surprised) palpitations, see your doctor immediately. While a heart problem is suspected, often fixing the offending reason (drug or condition) will solve the problem.

The most dangerous and serious outcomes of palpitations from a cardiac cause include stroke, heart attack and death, so getting diagnosed and treated quickly is paramount.

Some heart "flutters" are far less serious than others. Your physician should be sure to differentiate a benign one from a potentially serious one by performing EKG's.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

If you received an ECG you must also have had the results explained to you. If you haven't, you must do this. One reason for getting such a procedure is for you to have a better understanding of how your body is working. That said, fluttering does not necessarily indicate a problem, but it could. There are flutters that are basically benign and not a cause for worry. Only your physician can guide you regarding steps you need to take regarding your ECG results.

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