'Daughter of the heart' in an obituary would mean not a biological daughter but loved just the same as if she were.
daughter is translated 'fille' in French.
that is not a complete sentence do you mean what the conflict around hitlers daughter or the conflict for hitlers daughter ?
If you mean Ankhesenamun then it means daughter of the secret one.
Tender heart.
"Daughter in heart" on an obituary typically refers to someone who was considered like a daughter to the deceased, even if they were not related by blood. It signifies a close, familial bond and deep connection that was akin to that of a biological daughter.
According to his obituary he died of a heart attack .
According to her obituary, syncope. Basically it was a bad heart rhythm.
He kept reading the obituary column. obituary writing was the job.
Obituary is a noun.
Her daughter was born with a hole in her heart. She has since had an operation to fix her heart.
Confessions of a Broken Heart - Daughter to Father - was created in 2005.
"My daughter's laughter is sunshine to my heart" is an example of a metaphor.
The Best of Obituary was created in 1989.
See You in the Obituary was created in 1995.
Did you know the newspaper has an obituary section?
That is the correct spelling of "obituary" (report on a person's death).