Any Chevy transmission will bolt to any Chevy motor. At least RWD. 1955 to current. A 454 should really have a 400 transmission but a 350 will work. Depending on what you are putting it in there may be an issue with the driveshaft length and the yoke that goes into the trans.
What about it? Chevy will interchange regardless of the years. Wiring and plumbing is going to vary but it will bolt to the transmission. Buick, Olds, Pontiac will interchange with each other with the same issues. They will not bolt up to a chevy transmission unless you have a duel pattern transmission that has both bolt patterns on it.
Sometimes. There are two common bolt patterns of Chevy starters, and two common flywheel diameters. Many blocks have both bolt patterns. If the starter bolts up to the block and engages the ring gear without binding, it fits.
Bolt The Coil Bracket And Coil To The Block, The - Goes To The Distributor The + Hooks To The Ignition.
any 4 speed tranny from a 340 engine will bolt to a 273, 318, or 360 engine as they are all the same engine block.
Most 300's have no adjustment. It's just torque down the nut(bolt on newer years). There's aftermarket adjustable kits available.
Yes, as long as the transmission has the Chevy bolt pattern.
Yes, if they were built with the standard Chevy bolt pattern.
As long as it has the Chevy bolt pattern, yes.
As long as the TH350 is from a Chevy....yes.
You can if it has the Chevy bolt pattern.
No turbo 350's in 1992.
Yes it will bolt right up.
All chevy 350 engines use the same bolt pattern to bolt the bell housing to the block so the 71 model block should bolt up the same although there may be slight differences otherwise.
YES, That is no problem, it will bolt right up.