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If the ATV has set a while the cable may be rusted inside the rubber tube. Try sparying PB blaster or WD-40 inside the cable. If not then it may have touched the headers and melted the rubber to the metal cable. - my400ex89 "go big or go home"

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Q: Why is the clutch on your 400ex hard to pull?
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How do you install a clutch on a 2001 Honda 400ex?

Are you replacing a whole clutch or just the clutch plates?

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Yes it would all the models are almost the exact same.

Where is the clutch lifter pin located on a 2000 Honda 400ex?

It is located in the center of the clutch, it is a little pin with a button on the front of it.

My clutch is hard to pull back on my 2002 Honda xr100rwhat should i do to fix it?

It is a hydraulic clutch. An excess of fluid in the system will cause it to be hard to pull back. Either that, or you need to lift some weights so that you won't notice.

How do you replace the clutch on a 96 mx-6?

youre best bet is to pull the motor. I had to to do my clutch. these cars are hard to work on. no room for anything.

E46 m3 how to tell clutch slipping?

get to 3000 RPMs in 2nd or 3rd gear and then step on the gas hard(safely!) , If the revs go up quickly and yet he car doesn't pull hard , the clutch is slipping.

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What does pull in the clutch mean when riding a motorcycle?

The term "pull in the clutch" means squeeze the clutch lever to the handle bar to disengage the clutch. Hope this helps.

Do you have to pull the clutch when shifting gears on a quad?

if there is a clutch there, you have to.

What type of oil does a Honda 400ex take?

a motorcycle grade (moly free for the clutch) 20w-50 JASO rated oil would be great dont use car oil. you could ruin your clutch

I am learning on a 2005 HD 883. The clutch lever is very hard to pull. Any way to fix this?

Unfortunately, the clutch on the Sportster is notorious for its stiffness. In fact, the Motor Company recognized this and in 2004 changed the clutch and brake levers to be a little closer to the grips.