Could be a number of things. Is the noise coming from your transmission, your rear differential, one of the wheels? From the wheels it could be a warped rotor or a wheel bearing failing.
Bad head gasket? Cracked Head? CRacked block?
Friction in the transmission system may cause whining noise when a car is accelerating. A poor engine or clutch assembly may cause the excess friction in the transmission system.
It sounds like a CV axle shaft has come loose from the transaxle. This is usually caused by an improperly installed axle shaft of missing or damaged snap-ring type retainer.
Dirty or loose connections or a bad starter.
if the car is rear wheel drive, sounds like a u-joint. If it is front wheel drive, sounds like a cv joint. It could also be your engine mounts wearing out. If the rubber insulation has worn out then the engine will shift slightly against the mount and make a clunking noise. This happened on my 96 Nissan Quest minivan.
If a car has a loud humming noise when accelerating, it could be that the air filter is missing. The air filter housing might also be loose. A loud humming noise can also be a signal that there is something wrong with the alternator belt or the fan belt.
A universal joint or a CV joint may be bad. It means you should have it check before the car leaves you stranded.
hi it sounds like your universail joints or tail shaft
Sounds like your ignition timing is off.
Muffler loud noises
why does my starter make a loud screeching noise when i start it?
You need to wash it.
noise and jolting is present whilst car is idolling and accelerating
Sounds like a loose or worn belt
Could be a wheel bearing/hub going bad.
It depends on the nature of the noise.
could be the rear strut bushings are bad.