Why not? it tastes sweet and isn't bad for teeth and wont make people with diabetes go Hyperglycaemic. If you are referring to the aspartame controversy which I am sure you are, Aspartame hasn't been proved to cause cancer in humans. while studies did find that there were increased cancer rates in rats fed aspartame, this doesn't mean It will cause cancer in humans. Dogs find chocolate poisonous, but humans eat chocolate in copious amounts without incident. so while aspartame may prove fatal to rats, humans can continue to enjoy the foul taste of the worlds most popular artificial sweeter.
It depends on where abouts you go?
Sure go for it. Just take good care of the piercing and make sure it doesn't get infected. If you see any signs of infection remove the piercing immediately.
Your veins. Do not try to pierce your own tongue. This is a very dangerous percing and cannot be done on everyone. My sister went to get her tongue professionally done and she was informed that she could not have it done because of the location of veins in her mouth. Only a professional body piercer would be able to tell you this personalized infromation. Also, there is a high risk of infection, and these can be extremely dangerous. Trust me, my friend did hers, no, dont do it yourself, she was put in the hospital. get it done profecinally -sp?- A friend of mine wanted to get her tongue pierced but the piercer said she didn't recommend it on her. Her tongue web was too close to the tip, meaning her piercing would've to be done very near the tip, and this would give her a lisp. ___________- I would like to add that while you cannot bleed to death you can damage veins and nerves to the point where your tongue will go numb. I would estimate that 90% of people would have no trouble with having it done (professionally), but you may be one of that 10% and need to see a professional in order to know. Also, the glands in your tongue and mouth are very sensitive and necessary, when you attempt these things on your own you risk damaging them (even just a pin prick) and causing your body permanent damage, shock is also a factor because of the pain of the procedure.
Pain, swelling, bad odour, discharge of blood and puss from the piercing, sore throat, fever, chills. This means you are in serious shape and medical attention is required without delay. Infected tongue piercing can go septic and require medical attention and antibiotics to treat.
no but it can make urr noise feel funyy if you snort it
because of gravitation
It's going to fall off or get a very bad disease go see your doctor quick!
Maybe you were biting it or applying pressure on it without realizing...
put hands in cold water
ice works well
Numbness is definitely not normal. I suggest that you go and see a doctor to figure out what is going on.
There is nothing right about that. does it only happen when youtake a multiple vitamin? Go to www.herbalmagik.ca.... it has numerous pages as to why
No real reason, nothing to worry about. Alot of people who barely even drink alcohol get this sensation when drinking. If the numbness doesn't go away, seek medical attention or just don't drink.
Gaining weight by itself will not make your limbs numb. Gaining weight could, among other possibilities, cause circulation problems that cause your limbs to go numb. It is not normal, and you should probably see a doctor.
no it should not be numb