A Buddhist chant...wusaa
The Gregorians are not a specific set of people. Most things referred to as Gregorian relate to the influence of Pope Gregory I. For example, the Gregorian chant is a type of song in the Roman Catholic Church associated with the Pope.
Herculean (strong) is the proper adjective derived from the name Hercules.
The Battle of Hercules and the Centaurs
Because indians or africans (I forgot) used to chant around a fire and pierce and tattoo themselves to talk to spirits nobody knows why, but apparently it's the devil's work so that's why people think people with tats and piercings are going to go to hell.
They told stories of Hercules.
Some people feel that there may have been a Hercules.
Hercules eats many different things expecially bad people.
To express feeling or to praise a certain God.
Gregorian Chant
I am unsure about what you mean by your question... please make clearer. A cahnt song is where people sing/shout/chant the same lirics together, sometimes in a round or sometimes even a bass line!
Hades often aided Hercules in Greek mythology; allowing Hercules to take Cerberus, and to take two people from the realm and up to earth.
Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Sport Chant Remix)
Is a chant that it talks about the Hawaiian islands geneology and its people.
The Chant was created in 1984.
The past tense of "chant" is "chanted."
Yes, the word 'chant' is both a noun (chant, chants) and a verb (chant, chants, chanting, chanted). Examples:Noun: He recited a chant his mother would say to put him to sleep as a child.Verb: The crowd began to chant, 'Go, Jimmy, go!".