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It have been in the field of education for 26 years, and have never seen nor been made aware of a bachelors degree particular to Martial Arts. Still, you never know what they will come up with in the future. There is an institute that is offering qualifications in Martial Arts - it's the Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences - not sure if they offer bachelor's degrees though.. oh, should have given their address - it's hope it helps

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14y ago

Assuming you can even pass their insane admissions exams, believe it or not Tokyo or Beijing University both offer martial arts degrees. I know for a fact that in Chinese Universities, Kung Fu is a serious topic of study, with Japan, so are Karate and Judo. If you want to know how geometrically sound, and in harmony with the laws of physics Kung Fu is for example, Beijing University is the place to go. There is funding for martial arts programs, because it is in the government's interest to have scientifically trained bodyguards. A lot of bodyguards for Chinese politicians aren't just physically fit, very strong, and hold high ranks in Kung Fu, many have Bachelor's degrees and are former officers in the PRC's army. Chinese politicians don't just let anybody be their bodyguard; you have to have a college education, preferably from a top school, have been an officer, and, you have to be a high ranking Kung Fu expert. In other words those men are both strong and athletic, and they have brains. They are also exceedingly ruthless and notoriously cruel; attacking a Chinese politician is not a good idea.

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You mean the highest belt?

Well i do Karate,and the highest belt is 10dan Black belt.

i know every master in karate :P

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