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With exercise your resting heart rate should be reduced as your heart is more effecient at pumping blood and does not need to work as hard.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Your heart gets stronger when you move or exercise.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

It gets lower.

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Q: What will happen to your resting heart rate as your heart gets stronger?
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What will happen to your resting heart rate as your gets stronger?

Your heart gets stronger when you move or exercise.

If cardiac muscle get stronger what will happen with heart rate?

If your heart gets stronger:Your resting heart rate will go downYour target heart rate for exercise will go upIt will be harder to raise your heart rate to the target heart rate

What exercise helps your heart?

Extended periods of cardio, such as running, jogging, cycling, swimming, and walking, to name a few. The heart is a muscle, and follows the same principals as other muscle groups. The longer and harder you work the muscle, the stronger and healthier it becomes. As long as your pulse is significantly elevated during your exercise, you are working your heart. The best way to check if your workout regimen is working your heart is by taking your resting heart rate every day. If it gradually gets lower, then it's working. The lower your resting heart rate is, the stronger your heart is. An hour of cardio every day is a good place to start.

What happen to the muscles when it is working?

When you work the muscles gets stronger and healthy.

What ways does running have on you?

heart gets stronger, cardio vascular health is better

What can happen when the heart is bad damaged?

it gets bad

What activities can you do to make your heart muscle stronger?

running, hiking, biking....basically anything that gets the heart pumping.

If you put to much pressure on your thighs when snowboarding what will happen to your thigh?

i gets stronger

If aerobic exercise improves heart strength so that it pumps more blood with each beat what likely happens to the heart rate as the cardiac muscle gets stronger explain your answer?

Resting heart rate goes down (maximum stays the same).

Why does a heart beat faster in the young?

the heart is just like any other muscle, it has to grow and be worked to get strong. The heart gets stronger when a person does cardiovascular workouts. As the heart gets stronger it will beat less often because it is able to pump more blood per beat. so it follows that a heart in a young person would beat faster because they would not have had time to train their heart.

What likely happens to the heart rate as the cardiac muscle it gets Stronger?

It starts pumping more blood.

What is athletes pulse?

40-60 40-60, because as the heart beats it gets stronger (like a muscle -which it is) and the stronger it gets the less effort it has to put in to push the same amount of blood around the body.