If you mean Leonardo's painting it used the perspective, an invention which was then about 80 years old. Leonardo also invented some new paint to use here. It was a disaster and has deteriorated horribly.
The technique used in the da Vinci masterpiece is Fresco. Pigment is painted directly onto the wall into wet plaster. What is called a cartoon is made first, an outline, to scale, of the finished piece.
The Last Supper, painted by Leonardo da vinci, was created using a technique called fresco. Fresco is a painting technique where pigments are applied to wet plaster. The pigments chemically react with the plaster to create a durable and long-lasting painting. This technique was commonly used in the Renaissance period.
The Last Supper
Christian religious art.
the million dollar kind
No. There are no UFO's in the last supper.
Raymond Gates created and funded the last supper. He also made up jesus and everyone in the painting.
It is an oil painting on wood panel.
last supper
A Renaissance painting.
The Last Supper
The Last Supper
the last supper and The Vitruvian Man
Christian religious art.
the last supper
Leonardo da vinci
Most famously, Leonardo DaVinci
the million dollar kind