its means love to me
Star tattoos are kind of like THE generic tattoo. If somebody really wants a tattoo but is not sure what to get or doesn't have anything that's really meaningful, stars are what they end up with. Someone might have 3 stars, for instance, representing each child. Or purple stars because it's their favorite color. But in general the star is the tattoo the non-creative people get just to say they have a tattoo.
I have 3 stars on my hip/belly region (left side). I refer to them as my 'Stars Upon Thars'. They're red, white & blue to symbolize my Dad's service in the Vietnam War. I would also like one on my wrist...small & inside.
3 ' 11"
Answeryeah, nautical stars go back to the navy.... i was told they meant " to protect and guide"Answer"to protect" that is the meaning.AnswerIt means to show the way to.AnswerIf its nautical stars, often times it is a sign of homosexuality for women. Once there was a time that women got them to 'show the way' in the same sense of that of the 'north star' in the christian bible.If they are natural birth marks which resemble stars then that is all they are and have no logical significance. If they are tattooed on the wrist then only the person who had them done would know the answer.The placement on the wrist doesn't mean anything, only the person who got the tattoo there would know, but as for the stars, (if they are nautical stars) are a symbol sailors used to use that means finding one's way. I have one and I researched it before I got it. I don't think they mean lesbianism, they are representative of the north star.
It means 3 chances
yes..... its 3 stars bye his ear
its means love to me
depending what type of design or how many dots there are, it could be gang related. if there are 3 dots in the shape of a triangle then its the pachuco gang. different gangs have different tattoo signals.
that they saw chris brown do it and thought it was 'cool'
1.So Gangs can fight 2.So Gangs can fight 3.So Gangs can fight
A tattoo of 3 stars could symbolize various things, such as guidance, motivation, or personal growth. In some cultures, it may represent the past, present, and future or be a symbol of good luck. Ultimately, the meaning of the tattoo may vary depending on the individual's intentions or personal connection to the symbol.
she has 3 the one on her hand says truth, her foot has stars, and her ring finger is a music note
yes he does, he has 3 stars at the back of his head
Star tattoos are kind of like THE generic tattoo. If somebody really wants a tattoo but is not sure what to get or doesn't have anything that's really meaningful, stars are what they end up with. Someone might have 3 stars, for instance, representing each child. Or purple stars because it's their favorite color. But in general the star is the tattoo the non-creative people get just to say they have a tattoo.
Kellie Pickler currently has 3 tattoos. On her foot she has the name of her grandmother, Faye, with a halo above it. She has the outline of two stars on her inner elbow. Her most recent tattoo is the word 'Pray' which is on her wrist.
Well,look some people think that 3 star's behind your eat mean that your gay.But for me I think it's your tattoo & you can give it your own meaning you want too.