ac delco a541e
.026 of an inch
A platinum spark plug last longer than a copper spark plug however you're trading off engine performance for longevity of the spark plug. An iridium spark plug last longer than a copper plug and engine performance is at its best for the longest time. but its going to cost a few dollars more for these plugs. The champion or the a/c delco have been around for years and they will last for up to 20,000 miles. If you are mechanically inclined and you can change the plugs yourself the champions will be fine. Just change them when you need to, but if you have to go to a mechanic every time , then i recommend buying the expensive iridium from your local o Reilly auto store, or auto zone and then go and have them put on. It would be a little cheaper than purchasing them at the mechanic shop.
The spark plug gap is 09.96 The spark plug gap is 09.96
The rubber end on the spark plug wire.
OEM, AC/Delco spark plugs. The newest part number AC Delco is an iridium plug and is the perfect plug for the I6 4.2 litre
a/c delco a/c delco a/c delco
AC Delco iridiums
spark plug setting should be .044
Spark Plugs .035Points .019Plugs--AC/Delco R43N
What is the spark gap plug setting on a 2007 Honda accordAnswerwhat is the spark plug gap setting on a 2007 Honda accord?
Depends on the year, but the 305 used the AC Delco R44t for years.
what is the spark plug setting for 1949 8n tractor
ac delco a541e
ac delco 45 or higher
.045 gap