Art in the Neoclassical period focused on portraying political truths of that time in a dramatic way. This period played a role in influencing french revolutionists (Jacques-Louis David, Death of Marat) , while rococo art was more decorative and light. More in depth: Rococo was a decorative style based in France most often used in interior design, painting, architecture, and sculpture. Normally associated with the reign of King Louis XV, the movement actually began in the 17th century. With the rise of the middle class, the death of Louis XIV at this time, the high society in Paris became the pinnacle of fashion. Rococo was a light, ornamental, and elaborate style of art, identified by elegant and detailed ornamentation and the use of curved, asymmetrical forms. The style appealed to the senses rather than intellect, stressing beauty over depth. The movement portrayed the life of the aristocracy, preferring themes of romance, mythology, fantasy, every day life. The Rococo style is sometimes considered to be the end of the Baroque period and was eventually replaced by Neoclassicism during the American and French Revolutions at the end of the eighteenth century. Neoclassicism was a reaction in the direction of order and restraint. Generally speaking, this reaction developed in France in the mid-seventeenth century and in England thirty years later; and it dominated European literature until the last part of the eighteenth century. The ideal style is lucid, polished, and precisely appropriate to the genre of a work and the social position of its characters. Tragedy and high comedy, for example, use the language of cultivated people and maintain a well-bred tone. Structure, like tone, becomes more simple and unified.
The central theme of Art Deco is its geometry and symmetry. Its boldness of both design and color had such universal application. This is one of the fascinating aspects of the Art Deco movement. Art Nouveau was a reation to the historicism of the Arts and Crafts Movement. It was about creating a whole new style - full of organic shapes and very fond of the female form. Flowing, sinuous lines were often used. * *,%20page%201.html
French art & Interior design.
If something is neoclassical, it is referencing classical art. Classical art is best visualized by looking at ancient Rome: tall columns, weighty arches, nude statues. Neoclassical art is made after the fall of the Roman empire but was inspired by it.
Rococo is an 18th century art period which features feminine and ornate decorations. Rococo art uses many pastel colors, patterns, and outdoor scenes. The word is a fusion of two words, one French and the other Italian. The French comes from the word rocaille, which refers to art almost like a mosaic of found objects for a garden. It is also Italian because it shares an origin with the word Baroque, which defines a prior art period which was much darker, but shared the attention to details and emphasis on patterns.
difference between hand drawings and digital art
They are both apart of French history during the French Revolution.
The Enlightment/Tail end of the rococo movement.
Rococo is a style of art that emerged during the Enlightenment Period. It was criticized by many for being frivolous because it focused on themes such as romance and pleasure rather than serious moral subjects. Some other types of art that were popular during the Enlightened besides Rococo were genre and Neoclassical art.
The Rococo period, the period of orchestral and art movement, lasted from about 1695 until the 1960s, then enjoyed a revival between 1975 and 2005.
While the source of inspiration for both renaissance and neoclassical is the same, the difference with respect to decorative art would be the manner in which it is expressed. Renaissance decorative art uses bold, dense, and flowing style elements. The use of allover patterning with exuberant expression is distinctly different from neoclassical interpretation of the same ancient themes. Neoclassical decorative art is much more restrained and with the exception of fully developed perspective, is very close in compositional scale to the style elements employed in ancient Greece and Rome. The neoclassical style was far more regal and constrained than the lavish renaissance style.
Yes, Neoclassicism was indeed a reaction to Rococo art. Rococo art was characterized by lavish decoration, asymmetry, and a focus on frivolity and luxury. Neoclassicism, on the other hand, was a revival of classical art and architecture from ancient Greece and Rome, emphasizing simplicity, harmony, and order. Neoclassicism sought to return to the ideals of classical art and move away from the excesses of Rococo.
Fine art
The Rococo movement in design and art during the late 17th to early 18th century Paris, was characteristically whimsical and somewhat sensual. Rococo art can be recognized easily by the pastel colors and seashell curved lines in paintings of the period.
Friedrich Wolf has written: 'Sammlung Friedrich Wolf' -- subject(s): Art collections, Catalogs, Modern Art, Rococo Art, Rococo Decoration and ornament