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The cerebral does moderate generalized volume loss with prominence of the ventricles and cerebral cortical sulci. It refers to the brain volume loss.

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Q: What does moderate generalized volume loss with prominence of the ventricles and cerebral cortical sulci mean?
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What does prominence of the cerebral cortical sulci mean?

It's a sign of (severe) cerebral atrophy. It's being seen on CT or/and MRI scans of the brain. Generalized sulcal prominence diffusely is consistent with diffuse brain atrophy.

What is the function of the cortical artery?

the function of the cortical artery is the kidenys

What is cortical irritability?

Cortical irritability is when an increase of beta activity and corresponding over-activation is seen in areas associated with areas of epileptic focus and is associated with hallucinations. Sometimes the increase of beta-activity can be visualized as spindling beta rhythms which can be recognized as cortical irritability, epilepsy, toxic encephalopathies and is mostly seen around the waxing and waning spindles over the effected cortex.I do not think that cortical irritability has anything to do with eating disorders, but people with eating disorders are usually irritable, but outside of that I haven't the foggiest.

As venous blood is drained from the kidney what path does it follow?

cortical radiate veins, arcuate veins, interlobar veins, renal vein

Trace a drop of blood from renal artery to renal vein?

Renal Arteries--> Segmental Arteries--> Lobar Arteries--> Interlobar Arteries--> Arcuate Arteries--> Cortical Radiate Arteries--> Afferent Arterioles--> Glomeruli--> Efferent Arterioles--> Peritubular Capillaries--> Cortical Radiate Veins--> Arcuate Veins--> Interlobar Veins--> Renal Vein.Read more: Trace_a_drop_of_blood_from_the_time_it_enters_the_kidney_in_the_renal_artery_until_it_leaves_the_kidney_through_the_renal_vein

Related questions

What does prominence of the cerebral cortical sulci mean?

It's a sign of (severe) cerebral atrophy. It's being seen on CT or/and MRI scans of the brain. Generalized sulcal prominence diffusely is consistent with diffuse brain atrophy.

An MRI scan sHow is mild generalised prominence of cerebral cortical sulci and ventricles with few ischaemic foci in left frontoparietal white matter What does this mean?

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Damage to this cerebral lobe causes cortical deafness?

Temporal lobe

What is cortical and central cerebral atrophy?

Cortical cerebral atrophy refers to a loss of neurons in the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain responsible for higher brain functions. Central cerebral atrophy involves shrinking of structures deep within the brain, such as the hippocampus and thalamus. Both types of atrophy can result in cognitive decline and neurological symptoms.

What is diffuse cortical dysfunction?

Diffuse cortical dysfunction refers to a condition where there is generalized impairment or dysfunction in the outer layer (cortex) of the brain. This can result in a variety of symptoms, such as memory problems, cognitive impairment, and changes in behavior or mood. Causes can include conditions like encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, or certain infections.

Does meditation help build cerebral tissue?

No. It builds cortical tissue. I'm a psych student.

Are unmyelinated cortical fibers found in the cerebral hemispheres?

Yes, unmyelinated cortical fibers can be found in the cerebral hemispheres. These fibers are a type of nerve cell projection that lack the protective myelin sheath, which is typically found in myelinated fibers. Unmyelinated fibers are involved in transmitting nerve impulses and can be found throughout the brain, including the cerebral hemispheres.

What are the large brain?

The "large brain" would be considered the cerebrum which contains the cerebral cortex as well as some sub-cortical structures.

How does the cerebral cortex change with aging?

Eventually, there occur both cortical atrophic changes along with sulcal widening and ventricular enlargement.

What is a cortical arousal?

Cortical arousal refers to the activation of the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain, leading to increased brain activity. This heightened brain activity plays a role in various cognitive functions such as attention, awareness, and processing of sensory information. Cortical arousal is essential for maintaining wakefulness and alertness.

What has the author Gilbert Morse French written?

Gilbert Morse French has written: 'Cortical functioning in behavior' -- subject(s): Cerebral cortex, Neuropsychology

What does cortex thickening mean?

cortical thickness is a brain morphometric measure used to describe the combined thickness of the layers of the cerebral cortex in mammalian brains,