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Mortar is used to stick bricks together. It can be either:

* cement mortar: a mixture of water, sand and cement, or * lime mortar: a mixture of lime, sand and water.(This is not used often for modern construction because of its porosity) * clay mud mortar: a mixture of clay sand, water (only used in some adobe construction)

Lime is sometimes added to cement mortar to improve workability, waterproof qualities, and reduce shrinkage. Straw is sometimes added to clay mortar to reduce shrinkage.

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Q: What do they use to stick bricks together?
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What do you call the material you use to stick bricks together?

Mortar is what is used to stick bricks together.

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Mortar is used to stick bricks together.

What do you cal the material used to stick bricks together?

Its cement.

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Clay or a form of mortar made from a mixture of mud, sand, and water were used to stick the bricks together in building pyramids. The mortar acted as a binding agent to hold the bricks in place.

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A bricklayer works with many bricks and they work with cement to get the bricks to stick together. They need a trowel to put the cement on the bricks with and a spirit level to ensure the bricks are straight.

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You can stick parts together on roblox using a 'weld'. You can use a weld by going to the 2/more bricks that you are going to put together and going to the top of your screen then pressing the weld button (It looks like a 3D cube with a 'X' on it). Then, just click the side of the brick you want the weld on and stick the other brick on it and it will stick!

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To make it stick

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The Sumerians used mud bricks to build their houses. These bricks were made by mixing mud, water, and straw, and then drying them in the sun. The bricks were then stacked and bound together with mud mortar to construct their homes.

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