Here is the 1st Pinata, it was the donkey, that's why you see them alot...
Have you ever seen the movie Beverly hills ninja? If you have that you should already know how a ninja looks like and believe it or not even a white boy can look like a ninja. And if you have never seen I do sugeat you get a DVD and watch it because first you will die laughing its. and second you will find the answer to your question.
What does your house look like
they look like old modern houses
What did the Ancient Greek Theatres look like?
Brock Mccord
The Xbox 720 is shaped like a sphere.
There are different kinds of Xbox's.
This is the standard Xbox 360 Controller.
It is silver or black, and is located on the top of an Xbox.
look up on youtube
it looks like a bunch of words and letters
I feel like it has to be the XBox 360. Possibly the original XBox, but i'm sticking to my first answer.
it was a big black box with a grey button in the middle of it
what did the first telegraph look like?
Microsoft invented the first xbox