The heart of a lamprey looks similar to that of modern fish in a sense. It is a two chambered heart with a single atrium and a single ventricle. The atrium of the heart is proceeded by a sinus venosus, which isn't considered an actual chamber but rather pre-heart chamber. Then after the ventricle we have a conus arteriosus that again isn't considered to be a chamber of the heart but rather a post-heart chamber. The blood flow through the heart is a one way path like that of modern day fishes.
Answerthe base of the heart is the widest part; the apex is the narrow end, which points toward the left hip. the apex of the heart contact the chest wall just below the lift nipple: the heartbeat is most clearly felt here and the site is called the point of maximal intensity(PIM).Mary Porterthat answer most definitely did not answer the question that was askedNo you have it backwards, the heart likes posterior (behind) the sternum and anterior (in front) of the vertebral column. If you are getting the terms confused just think of the phrase your mom used to say "If you do that again I'll hit you in your posterior (your butt)"
Left ventricle
Left ventricle is the strongest and most important chamber of the heart. It receives oxygenated blood from left atrium, and pumps it into the aorta. Thus supplying the body with oxygenated blood. When this is said, all of the chambers are necessary for proper function of the heart.
The left ventricle, it works the hardest and needs the most muscle mass.
The left ventricle is the thickest and most powerful chamber of the heart. It has to pump blood further (to the body) than the right ventricle (to the lungs).
The upper most anterior / inferior connecting part of the Heart to the Arteries.
The left ventricle is the largest and most muscular chamber of the heart.
Left Ventricle.
there are four chambers in the heart. two are atriums and two are ventricles
The left ventricle is the largest chamber in the heart. It is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to the rest of the body and has thicker muscular walls compared to the other chambers to withstand the pressure needed for systemic circulation.
The left ventricle of the heart takes up the most volume in the human body.
LAD in a medical context typically stands for "left anterior descending," which refers to a major artery supplying blood to the heart muscle. It plays a crucial role in supplying oxygen-rich blood to the heart.
The heart of a lamprey looks similar to that of modern fish in a sense. It is a two chambered heart with a single atrium and a single ventricle. The atrium of the heart is proceeded by a sinus venosus, which isn't considered an actual chamber but rather pre-heart chamber. Then after the ventricle we have a conus arteriosus that again isn't considered to be a chamber of the heart but rather a post-heart chamber. The blood flow through the heart is a one way path like that of modern day fishes.
Answerthe base of the heart is the widest part; the apex is the narrow end, which points toward the left hip. the apex of the heart contact the chest wall just below the lift nipple: the heartbeat is most clearly felt here and the site is called the point of maximal intensity(PIM).Mary Porterthat answer most definitely did not answer the question that was askedNo you have it backwards, the heart likes posterior (behind) the sternum and anterior (in front) of the vertebral column. If you are getting the terms confused just think of the phrase your mom used to say "If you do that again I'll hit you in your posterior (your butt)"
Yes , in fact , it lies in the heart of the Andes Mountains.