The Left Ventricle has the thickest walls! The left ventricular myocardium is much thicker then the right ventricular myocardium because the left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta which takes blood to the rest of the body. (larger pressure gradient)
Right ventricals
The left ventricle, it works the hardest and needs the most muscle mass.
The left ventricle, being responsible for pumping the blood through the systemic circulation, generates the highest pressures. For this reason, the left ventricle has the thickest muscular walls.
The myocardium is located between the endocardium and the visceral layer of the serous membrane (epicardium) of the heart.
In the myocardium.
Another word for myocardium is the heart muscle. The myocardium is the middle and thickest layer of the heart wall.
Right ventricals
The thickest layer of tissue in the heart is the myocardium. It is the muscular middle layer responsible for contracting and pumping blood throughout the body.
The thick muscle layer of the heart is the myocardium. It is the middle layer of the heart and produces pressure.
The myocardium is the thickest layer of the heart made of contractile muscles that pumps blood.
Myocardium? why are you asking the geology section?
left ventricle
The left ventricle