Dead battery and no gas are near the top of the list. There is also the possiblilty that you are in the wrong car so the key wont work. And since many cars have computers now there are many things related to that too.
When you say not start, do you mean doesn't crank or does nothing when the key is turned? BClear. There are several things; let me start with some simple ideas. First, always describe the details associated w a problem: The smells, the sounds, the circumstances (only in cold wx, only w the AC on, etc), that makes diagnosis much easier. Common starting problems: Too much load on the electrical system. Caused by faulty Alternator, old spark plugs or spark cables. Try turning off extra accessories and see if this helps. Bad fuel pump or clogged filter. Failing EGR or PCV valve. Many people overlook the (usually) simple task of changing the $3 part, the PCV valve; this can affect starting, especially in cold weather and will allow you to start the car, but then it will die. EGR is similar, but affects more than just starting. The PCV tends to be ok after warmup. Everything on a car works together: I've seen a simple OIL CHANGE or AIR FILTER CHANGE, or fuel filter change make a car start better. Also there could always be a malfunctioning sensor, you can test this w a mechanic's help, or buy buying an OBDII code-checker at a store. Hope it helps! Titus 3:5
Heres a couple thoughts and a link that may help. If fuel is a question, spray starting fluid in the carb while cranking. Make sure your plugs are dry and clean. Carburetors are funny old animals that need attention and give headaches like you have.
If you mean cranking...
1. Lack of proper ignition key. 2. Automatic shifter in 'drive' or 'reverse'. 3. Battery disconnected or defective. 4. Defective crank sensor. 5. Defective starter motor or solenoid. 6. Seized engine. 7. Security system tripped.
I've seen all of the above while working in service.
If you mean cranks but won't start.
1. Spark. 2. Fuel.
I check spark first, less messy.
a short circuit somewhere
A car will not start if the gear selector is not aligned properly. Sometimes it is necessary to move the gear selector back and forth several times so that the alignment will be corrected and car will start.
A fuel pump on its way out will also cause a car to not start. Think crank crank crank crank crank (man my hand is cramping) crank crank crank crank...nothing.
If you are asking about what will keep a Grand Cherokee from starting the factory alarm will if you have changed the battery or if the Jeep has been sitting up for a while you do the same as if your alarm was sounding lock the doors unlock the drivers door with your key and try starting I have had to do this to mine after it had been sitting while I was rebuilding the front differential.
There are a few different things that can make your car not start sometimes, only intermittently.
The first could be the transponder in your key isn't sending a strong enough signal or may have a small crack in it, since they are glass.
The second could be a bad imobilizer reader, it is located behind the spedo.
The third could be a bad key reader at the ignition coil, behind the ignition switch.
The fourth could be something as simple as battery corrosion, either on the battery or inside of the battery cable.
Hope this helps........ This is all from experience and my own research.
Three things an engine must have:
Fuel -If you have no fuel, Check fuel pump for proper operation, check fuel pressure regulator, check for damaged fuel lines, leaks, also a clogged fuel filter could cause an engine to not start.
Compression - You can go to a local parts store and get a cheap cylinder compression tester, and what you do is take out ALL your spark plugs, and hook up the pressure tester 1 by 1 to each cylinder while cranking. Compression numbers should be relatively the same from cylinder to cylinder. Elevation will affect this test.
Spark - Get a spark tester and hook it up to each spark plug wire coming from the coil. If you have no spark, Check for poor battery connections, corrosion on the battery can cause a lot less power to get to your plugs. Check for signal to the ICM (Ignition control module) with a digital multimeter. Have to find a wiring diagram for that one.
In my opinion, you're better off by taking your car in to a certified technician, because thats a lot of money spent on tools, and a lot of time chasing the problem
The engine may be too cold or the batteries may be out.
Is the car turning over but not starting? If it wont even crank, first thing to do is charge battery or jump it. Then we can go from there, however I need more info and we can start going through diiferent steps to figure out why it wont start. First make sure you have power from battery.
On a 2004 Buick Lesabre it could be a faulty (MAP) Sensor, Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor.
The car could start, run and drive, and when you shut it off it will crank but not start up again.
It can.
Yes, there are sensors that need to be reset in order to complete the starting circuit.
nooit depends on the make & model, some newer cars have anti theft on doors.
Car names starting with L include: Lincoln, Lamborghini, limousine, Le Car...
Unless your car is a diesel, they can certainly keep your car from starting if they're missing. They can also become fouled or badly worn, which, again, could keep your car from starting.
It really depends on how the alarm is wired into the car. If it is wired into the ignition system the yes it will keep the car from starting if triggered.
No. The engine starts the car.
Yes it can
It can.
Yes it could
Faukt in wiring