If your car uses VVT(Variable Valve Timing) or adjusts its ignition timing it could cause poor fuel economy, misfires, keep the car from starting. If the car is fuel injected the timing of the injectors is tied in with that too. In short nothing could, if the car manages to keep running it could lead to a blown motor depending on how you drive.
Yes, there are sensors that need to be reset in order to complete the starting circuit.
nooit depends on the make & model, some newer cars have anti theft on doors.
Idle is when the computer is on, but it is not in use at that time. For example, were you using the computer, then stopped for a period (you made no key depressions or the like), your computer then becomes idle. Just consider it as if it were a car; if you start your car and leave it in park, then your car is idle (its on but not in use). Were u to put your car in drive, it would no longer b idle (the same can be said with a computer if u make a key depression). Hope this helps. == idle== lazy ===
A car consumes fuel when it is running.
That won't keep the car from starting, but will keep the A/C compressor from running.
No. It will keep running until the engine is completely destroyed.No. It will keep running until the engine is completely destroyed.
Keep the Car Running was created on 2007-03-19.
It can keep the car, or some accessory in the car from running, depending where the break is.
Unless your car is a diesel, they can certainly keep your car from starting if they're missing. They can also become fouled or badly worn, which, again, could keep your car from starting.
can a bad altenator make my computer in my car to stop running
This car is computer controlled, and assuming it has the Chevy 305 it is also fuel injected. There is probably a problem in the computer controls causing it not to idle. Do not attempt to adjust idle, as it will not fix it, and may cause other issues when the innitial problem is diagnosed and repaired.
It really depends on how the alarm is wired into the car. If it is wired into the ignition system the yes it will keep the car from starting if triggered.
No. If your Cat. is plugged up the car will start but then die. Any other problems it won't prevent it from running. It might not run well but...
AnswerThe 3800 (RPO: L27) was not equipped with an EGR Valve for the model year 1992 only. The 3800 (RPO:L67) does have an EGR valve.The valve should be located on the driver's side on top of the manifold.A bad EGR valve can keep your car from starting and running properly.