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Most Martial Arts will teach you to use weapons and will teach you defense without any tools. Judo and Jiu-jitsu, what they call ground martial arts, teaches you grappling and take-downs, which usually doesn't require weapons. But it's good to know how to handle them, and to learn defense against them, because you never know what your offender could have up his/her sleeve. It is unlikely that you would have access to a martial arts weapon in the event of an attack,it is also impractical and probably illegal.Two are Muay Thai and Brazilian Jujitsu

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Karate was a Japanese term for Empty Hand because in the absence of weapon.

Also. there are more many types of Martial Arts that employs no weapon, but the Karate was among one of them.

And one notion that why Karate was the Generic term because the translation was been easy to remembered during the height of fame in many Martial Art movies in more than half of the 20th centuries.

And now, the name Karate was gradually declined by the popularity of Tae Kwon Do where been also dubbed by the Westerners as Korean Karate before during 20th Century.

And now, Tae Kwon Do is widely recognized as the most popular unarmed combat at this 21st Century by the most number of practitioners globally.

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