-Dead body
-Decaying Food
-Dog dung
-Dracunculus Vulgaris
Some things (nouns) that start with the letter I are:ibisiceicebergice creamicicleicingiconidideaidiomidiotignoranceillusionimaginationimpulseinchincisorindependenceingotinquiryinspirationinventioninvitationionireiridesenceirisiritationironivory
Tangible objects that start with the letter j:jacketjeansjerseyjewelryjackknifejavelinjawbonejellybeanjug
· Engels is a city in Russia
· Daisen is a city in Japan
Some things you smell that begin with the letter W are:waffleswatermelonwet dogwildflowerswinewisteriawood
Anchovies are very salty. They start with the letter a.
Some nouns for things that start with the letter A are:acornanchorankleappleargumentazaleaSome nouns for places that start with the letter A are: AfricaAnnapolisArabian DesertArizonaArctic CircleAustralia
Some things (nouns) that start with the letter I are:ibisiceicebergice creamicicleicingiconidideaidiomidiotignoranceillusionimaginationimpulseinchincisorindependenceingotinquiryinspirationinventioninvitationionireiridesenceirisiritationironivory
Small things that start with the letter s:saltsandsawdustscrewseedsleetslugsnailsparkspeckstone
Some things that start with the letters AT are:atomattonementattractionatmosphereatticattitudeattackattorneyatollatriumatlas
Some things that are in nature that start with the letter t are: tree, thorn, treetop, tree trunk
· knife
toe, telopia