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common nouns that start with A: * anchor * arm * adult (as in He is a 24 year old adult.) * acrobat * aftershave * agenda * agent * agreement * agriculture * airport (This is a common noun as long as a specific airport is not mentioned.) * algae * alcove * aisle * album * algebra * alfalfa * ankle * almond * alphabet * apron * amendment * amulet * amusement park * angle * angel * animal * annoyance * antler * ant * antacid * antenna * aphorism * alligator * apple * apartment * application * applicant * appetite * aquarium * apprentice * arch * arena * arrangement * aroma * arrow * artery * arson * artist * aspiration * asparagus * assistant * asylum * asterisk * asteroid * assortment * atlas * athlete * attorney * attendant * auditorium * audience * axe * author * automobile * avalanche * abacus * abbey * addendum * actress * actor * addict * address * adhesive * administration

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Q: What are some common nouns that begin with the letter A?
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What are some people nouns that begin with the letter L?

Examples of common people nouns starting with L are:ladylandlordlawyerleaderlesseeliarlibrarianlieutenantExamples of proper people nouns starting with L are:LanceLaneLeonLeonardLeroyLewisLionelLuke

What are the things that begin with letter Ii?

Some things (nouns) that start with the letter I are:ibisiceicebergice creamicicleicingiconidideaidiomidiotignoranceillusionimaginationimpulseinchincisorindependenceingotinquiryinspirationinventioninvitationionireiridesenceirisiritationironivory

What are some abstract nouns that begin with the letter H?

Examples of abstract nouns that begin with H are:hatehavenheavenheedhelphierarchyhinthomehonestyhonorhopehorrorhumorhysteria

What abstract nouns start with the letter O?

Some abstract nouns the begin with the letter O are:oblivionobservationoccasionoddityomenopennessopinionoptimismorganizationoriginalityovationoxymoron

What are some nouns that begin with the letter F?

Some nouns that start with the letter F are:FableFabricFacadeFaceFacemaskFactFactoryFacultyFairfax, VirginiaFairwayFairyFaithFajitaFalconFallFamilyFamineFanFangFantasyFareFargo, North DakotaFarmFarmerFarmers marketFashionFastballFateFatherFatigueFaucetFavorFearFeasibilityFeastFeatFeatherFeelingFeetFeijoa (type of fruit)FeltFenceFerretFerryFestivalFeteFiascoFiber or fibreFibulaFictionFiddleFieldFifthFigFightFigureFijiFilamentFileFilmFilterFinFinanceFinancesFine ($)FingerFinlandFiona appleFirFireFirefighterFireflyFiremanFireplaceFirst Baptist ChurchFishFistFiveFixtureFizzFlagFlameFlamenco danceFlamingoFlanFlashlightFlavorFleaFleshFlightFlippersFlockFloorFloridaFloristFlourFlowerFluteFlyFlypaperFlyswatterFlywheelFoalFoamFocusFodderFoetusFogFoldFolderFoliageFoodFoolFootFootballForceFord Motor CompanyForemanForgeryForkFormFormulaFortFortuneFountainFourFowlFoxFoxholeFrameFranceFrancis Ford CoppolaFranklin Delano RooseveltFranksFreckleFredFredericksburg, VirginiaFreedomFreesiaFreezerFrench friesFrench hornFrictionFridayFriendFrisbeeFrogFrontFroot loopsFrostFrostingFrownFruitFruitcakeFrying panFudgeFuelFunFundFungiFungusFunnelFurFurnaceFurnitureFuryFutureFuzz

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