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Some abstract nouns the begin with the letter O are:

  • oblivion
  • observation
  • occasion
  • oddity
  • omen
  • openness
  • opinion
  • optimism
  • organization
  • originality
  • ovation
  • oxymoron
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10y ago
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Lvl 1
4y ago
You did't tell me what they are stupid
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Wiki User

10y ago

Examples of abstract nouns that start with O are:

  • obscurity
  • occasion
  • occupation
  • October
  • omission
  • operation
  • opinion
  • opportunity
  • optimism
  • order
  • organization
  • ownership
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15y ago

ocean, octogon, oatmeal, are just a few of them.

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14y ago

Orgasm. Obituary. Oboe. Oral. Obstacle. Ocean. Oops!

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10y ago

Obesity, occupation, omelet, opinion, orange, organ and overcoat are common nouns. They begin with the letter o.

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13y ago

· observant

· optimistic

· outgoing

· outstanding

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12y ago

· oarsman

· occupant

· officer

· opponent

· optometrist

· orator

· organist

· orphan

· outlaw

· owner

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Q: What abstract nouns start with the letter O?
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An abstract noun beginning with o?

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This has no more to do with religion than asking the question how many people live o the earth compared to the moon

What are common nouns that begin with the letter o?

Obesity, occupation, omelet, opinion, orange, organ and overcoat are common nouns. They begin with the letter o.

What adjectives and nouns begin with letter o?

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What are 4 letter Proper nouns starting with O?

· Ohio · Oman

Three letter word ending of?

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Yes, owl and octopus both start with the letter O.