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Its carbonated

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Q: Purpose for why root beer makes you burp the most?
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What soda makes you burp the most?

Carbonated sodas that contain high levels of carbonation, such as colas and citrus sodas, are more likely to make you burp compared to other types of soda. The carbon dioxide in these sodas creates bubbles in your stomach, which can lead to burping.

Does brown bottles really protect beer better?

We bottle beer in colored bottles in order to protect them of light and brown bottles are the most efficient for that purpose.

What beer makes claim to being the national beer of Texas?

Lonestar Beer, of course! Although some Texans will strongly disagree as they chug their Shiner Bock!

What soda makes you burp more?

Carbonated sodas like cola or ginger ale are more likely to make you burp due to the carbonation (carbon dioxide bubbles) present in the drink. The bubbles in carbonated drinks can build up in your stomach, leading to burping as a way to release the gas.

What the most expensive beer?

gritzz beer

What does ok plus mean on beer bottles?

Beer in Oklahoma and Utah is 3.2% alcohol whereas most normal beer is 5.5% or more. So Oklahoma makes it be stated as OK+ if it has more than 3.2%. So OK+ means more alcohol than 3.2%.

Which beer is most popular bock beer or lager beer?

Pils is Germany's most popular beer. As in pilsner. There are a number of different brands on this variety of beer.

What is the most low fat beer?

Any Beer has no fat

What is one purpose of getting feedback?

the purpose of getting feedback is so that you can different peoples answers, then decide for you self whos makes the most sense.

What makes more cans or bottles?

It depends on the beer, but typically, yes. If you are talking the same beer from the same company, most of the time the price is going to be very close. Bottles are slightly more expensive to make, and cost more to transport. But the cost of setting up a machine to actually can the beer is very expensive, so most small breweries use bottles.

Who has drank the most beer?

I don't think so that they drink beer

What is most expensive beer?

in italy: Desperado America: Obama Beer