Freon (or any refrigerant) only needs to be replaced if it is low. You can have the refrigerant checked at most auto repair shops and they can tell you if it's low. If it is, they should also check for leaks as it is a closed system and does not normally lose refrigerant.
where do u put freon in a smart cAR 2009
The next day.
AnswerA 2002 Lincoln Navigator contains no Freon. This refrigrant has not been used for years. Take this vehicle to an expert.___________________________________________________AnswerIf you are charging the AC. It takes 134A and it is a b&%ch to get too. On the 200, it is located towards the back left of the engine. It is angled slight towards the engine too. You should see the cold line on the left hand side by the battery - look towards the very far back and you should just be able to see it.______________________________________________________How To Recharge Your Car's Air ConditionerCheck related link below
Buy a kit at Wal-Mart or auto parts comes with instructions
often they put it as a part of the computer so it can't be removed but I'm not sure about your particular car
where do u put freon in a smart cAR 2009
There should be a sticker under the hood which tells which refrigerant is used and how much for that particular system.
Your car uses refrigerant not Freon. Freon is a brand name put out by DuPont. All ac systems use refrigerant often mistakenly called Freon. All of them!!! Check for a decal under the hood or on the compressor for the information you seek. I believe that around 1996 car makers started using R-134A instead of R-12 refrigerant. Hope this helps.
all i know is that freon is put into air conditioning units in your car. it's what causes your A/C to be cold
yes, it will blow out your seals. causeing all the freon you just put in to leak out. yes
The line that you fill freon to in a car is known as the fill line. Going past the line can cause overflow, or even damage your vehicle.
you need to put the freon in the low side, should be the smallest cap on the ac system
The exact amount of Freon that needs to be added to a Kia Optima is unknown. This is because if Freon is needed there may be a leak and the car will need to be taken to a mechanic.
I wouldn't pay anyone to do it, it'd probably by a lot more than to just do it yourself. You can get a can of it at auto zone or somewhere for about ten to twenty dollars and they should be able to tell you where the valve is that you put the fluid in. Second opinion: Your car should not need freon. If it does, then there is a leak, and it would be inappropriate to add freon without fixing the leak. Besides, it is possible to have too much freon, so you need to measure what was in the system. You need tools and equipment to do this, so take the car someplace and have it looked at.
To add Freon to a 1994 Volvo 850 you will need to buy 4 cans of Arctic Ice and one can of blue dye. Use the spray can nozzle to attach to the air conditioning compressor and add the Freon. I am a certified auto AC tech and would not recommend putting 4 cans of Freon in a car AC system all at once. If you do not have gauges then put one can of Freon (refrigerant) in at a time. Have the air conditioner turned up on high, the car running and begin adding the Freon while shaking the can. When the compressor kicks on ( you should hear the compressor click on) you should almost be finished. If the compressor cycles in and out quickly this means you need more Freon. If the compressor clicks on and runs for a minute or 2 then put no more Freon in the system.
right next to the compressor under the car
It is illegal to use #12 due to damage to ozone layer