Reclaim the freon from the 1987 Fiero. Remove the ac belt, then disconnect the lines from the compressor. Unbolt the compressor then bolt in the new one. Put the hoses and belt back on, then pull a vacuum on the system before filling with new freon.
It can be a little expensive to replace the EGR valve on the 1987 Volvo 240 DL. The job takes about 1 to 3 hours and can cost as much as about 240 dollars.
You may need to replace the fuel filter.
Remove the light assy with the mounting screws.
There is a solonoid on the starter and the ignition switch is on the steering column.
The S10 vehicles with an R4 compressor require different amounts depending on the year model. 1987 and earlier factory require 40 oz of R12 and 88 and later require 56 oz. To convert to R134 use about 85% of that amount.
You move the AC compressor and the alternator to adjust tension. Has to be done from under car.
what is the fuel pressure on a 1987 fiero gt
You can't. You need to replace the faulty and worn parts.
what about them?
If you mean 1988 and they are both notchies, yes they will.
You can refill your 1987 VW air conditioning system from the low pressure port on the air conditioner compressor. Connect your Freon bottle to the low pressure port and release the Freon into the system.
1 per car
No , rear wheel drive
4 quarts with filter.
My Fiero parts supplier, The Fiero Store, only lists one pump so unless a 3.4 crate motor was put ( I did this to mine ) in they will interchange.