Not much. It wasn't radioactive, it couldn't do much but beep on a radio frequency.
the name of the first satellite is Sputnik
SputnikSo they knew where sputnik was.
Sputnik 1, the first man made object to orbit the earth. And we've been polluting like crazy up there ever since.
The dog, Laika, died due to temperature increase.
Around 83-84 kilograms, 183lbs. And it's called Sputnik, not Spunkit ;)
Weight 83.60 kilograms. Orbital Period 96.20 minutes.
$200,000,000 to $600,000,000 dollars
Because the Sputnik program ended with Sputnik 3. Albeit there was a Sputnik 40 and 41 but these were to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Sputnik 1.
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Not much. It wasn't radioactive, it couldn't do much but beep on a radio frequency.
No, the Russian's Sputnik was unmanned.
I think no one is the correct answer.There wasn't much driving to be done. Sputnik 1 was unmanned, and most probably fired on a preset trajectory.
The first artificial satellite, was the Russian Sputnik. It weighed 184 pounds. The first American satellite weighed only 1.8 pounds. The Russian's second satellite weighed about one ton.
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