The VW Beetle does not have clutch fluid. There is not any fluid associated with the clutch. The transmission has transmission fluid.
clutch needs adjusting,or if a hydraulic operated clutch, the system needs proper bleeding
My girlfriend told me the Lightning Bolt was lit on her New Beetle dash. I did not know what it was and could not look at it for several days. It turned out to be the Check Engine Light. It has a Lightning Bolt across an engine symbol
front wheel drive cars have a plug in the transaxle that you can take out and check the level by sticking your finger into the hole. the level will be correct if you can touch fluid. This plug can be seen after taking off the wheel. rear wheel drive is the same only much harder to get to (you must get under car and be careful to unplug the uppermost hole or you will have trans fluid all over
when you have a clutch put in you also have to replace or remove the flywheel and have it refaced to keep from messing up the new clutch, and yes the flywheel is suspose to turn when the engine is turning, so if the flywheel wasnt replaced or refaced then i would say that the flywheel is what the problem is
Remove the plug from the transmission fluid pan. Allow the transmission fluid to drain out. Replace the plug to its original position. Fill the transmission with new fluid. Remove the transmission filter by turning it to the left. Fill the filter with new fluid. Return the filter to its original position.
Did you check the Clutch fluid? It could be next to the Brake Fluid container. They should look similar but the Clutch container should be slightly smaller. Check your manual, I think my old Turbo TBird, I had to lift the clutch pedal to make up for wear. Is your clutch worn out? How old is it? You say MAYBE a Hydralic clutch? If it's not then you'll have to check your manual or buy a work manual to adjust it. It's usually not that hard. sorry buddy but this clutch it's not adjustable.which means you need a new clutch kit and have it replaced.
check your clutch fluid level and your clutch slave cylinder for leaks,if both are ok,then you probly need a new clutch.
show me where to add power sterring fluid to my 1999 beetle
you dont add clutch fluid. If the clutch is slipping that means that you need to buy a new clutch
Go to the transmission and check slave cylinder for leaks,also check clutch master cylinder,then go look by your clutch pedal to see if its leaking there,these are your places that it could be leaking,is your fluid level low,if not ,then you may need a new clutch kit.
Suck the clutch fluid out of the resovoir with a machine or vacula system. Then add new clutch fluid (which is primarily DOT3 brake fluid in most apps). For proper sequence repeat the process and bleed the clutch system ( depending on make/model).
Owner's manual. Actual Answer: There is no data in the owner's manual on checking or maintaining the transmission fluid level. I have a new beetle, it's leaking, and it seems the only recourse to submit myself (and my wallet) to the VW dealer - again.
You dont..its hydrolic...if the petal spongy..check the fluid level in drive side firewall..if low add..brake fluid...get new master..and or slave... If its slipping...time for a clutch assy....
I believe that a 2001 Focus will have a hydraulic clutch. If so, there is no adjustment required... In other words, or to add, if Your clutch is catching very high up, you may need a new clutch. Check hydraulic fluid if catching very low.
your clutch may be slipping ,first check and see if your clutch slave cylinder is leaking,check your clutch master cylinder to see if your fluid level is ok.if level is ok and no leaking slave cylinder,then you probaly need a new cluch.
Ther is no such fluid get new clutch if its having problems
After looking and consulting with techs, I found the reservoir to be included with the brake system. You should see a separate, unpressurized hose coming off the side (right) that leads down to the master clutch cylinder. This was on a 2004 VW New Beetle convertible.