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Yes. After first calling an ambulance, apply the suction pads and leads as directed. This allows the AED to monitor and record the heart action, and direct further if a shock is required. A shock will ONLY be delivered if the heart is in fibrilllation. If there is no pulse, CPR should be started until help arrives, regardless of if the AED tells you 'no shock required', this is because, as mentioned before, the AED is only effective in fibrillation.

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Why we have AED's?

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Can you use an AED if the person has body piercings?

Yes you can use an AED on a casualty who has body piercings, the discharge goes across the chest to start the heart and has effect on body piercings.

What are the uses of AED?

AED is an acronym that stands for Automated External Defibrillator. It is used to stop the heart's motion via electric shock, effectively hitting the hearts "reset" button. The heart then, hopefully restarts with normal activity. An AED cannot be used when a heart is in asystole, a state of no electrical activity. Also, an AED cannot be used in a moving vehical as that affects the analysis.

How to use an aed?

automated electro use give a electerical ,then start blood to brain to heart.

When should you not use an AED?

Do not use the AED if the person has a pulse.

What do you do with a medication patch on a victim when you want to use an AED?

Take the patch off.If you are using an AED that means their heart has stopped (or you suspect it has) and whatever that patch is, is not going to save them.

How do you use AED in CPR?

The AED pads should be attached as soon as possible to potentially help during a cardiac emergency. A person will follow the instructions of the AED and may require shocking the patient to reset the heart.

Can you use an AED device on a dog?

Can you use an AED on a dog

Who can't you use AED on?

You cannot use an AED on infants.

What is the machine that paramedics use to bring people back to life?

The machine that paramedics use to revive individuals in cardiac arrest is called a defibrillator. It delivers an electrical shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm. Timing is crucial for its effectiveness in saving lives.

Where do you hear mitral valve?

The Mitral Valve is in the heart, so a doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your heart.

What is designed for use by nonprofessionals to externally shock the heart to restore a normal cardiac rhythm?

It is called an AED; automated external defibrillator.