Renters insurance is definitely worth getting. Most agents or brokers from whom homeowners insurance can be purchased can also write renters insurance.
As for renters insurance being shared... since you are renting the premises, renters insurance covers contents only (not the structure of the building). The policy that you buy will specify the meetes and bounds of what is covered. It is important that you list on the application or other document tendered by the agent, the items that you wish to insure. The value of the items will determine the amount of coverage that you buy.
If you are buying the insurance with your roomate, be sure that both of you are shown to be insureds on the policy. Keep in mind, though, that if you part ways, the policy may have to be altered for the person who moved because the risk has changed (the property insured will be relocated to a new location).
Get receipts, photos, and descriptions ready for each of the items, especially the expensive items, and tell your renters insurance company that you want to add additional items to your renters insurance policy.
Chances are: no. Renters insurance covers your personal property and liability and not your landlords. As such they would have little reason to provide insurance on your behalf. Luckily, renters insurance is usually very easy to obtain and even more affordable. A quick google search for renters insurance will direct you to plenty of sites that can assist you with obtaining a policy.
Renters Insurance doe snot cover "Real Property". If you have purchased a home then you need a Homeowners Insurance Policy.
Unlike auto insurance, there is no state law in California that requires a renter to carry insurance. However, there is a growing trend of Landlords requiring their tenants to carry renters insurance as a part of their lease agreement. Regardless of whether or not your landlord requires you to maintain insurance I would recommend looking into obtaining a renters policy for yourself. Renters insurance is usually very cheap in California. Many renters policies not only cover your personal property in your apartment, but anywhere in the world as well.
Your renters insurance quotes do not depend solely on your region (Los Angeles) but a number of other factors, most importantly: which valuable items that you own do you want to insure with personal property coverage? Here is an informative article I found on how to find affordable renters insurance anywhere in the country:
most renters policies only cover the personal property of the renter. The property owner typically carries insurance for the Hazard of Fire.
NO, But they can get Renters or Tenants insurance
There are many companies that offer renters insurance. The best place to purchase renters insurance will depend on your location and individual situation. Some of the top rated renters insurance companies are Travelers Insurance, State Farm, Liberty Mutual, and Farmers Insurance.
In the average rates for renters insurance, auto insurance, and home insurance, Pennsylvania is usually lower! In 2007, the average rate for PA renters insurance was only $144!
Multi Peril Renters Insurance policy...Coverage for your stuff.
You can get great renters insurance at the following Get a Quote or good luck
Insurance follows the car. Your roommates insurance will cover the damage providing that he has "collision" coverage.
Yes, Farmer does offer renters insurance. Most renters insurance is very inexpensive, you can receive an estimate by answering some simple question on Farmer's website.
Renters insurance provide protection to a person and their home. As of 2013, the rates for renters insurance are lower than before, which provide many great deals.
About thirty percent get renters insurance. Renters insurance should be the top priority of any renter however. It helps just in case a strom, or anything else does damage to the place one is renting.
Renters insurance is a lot different than car insurance. You can find renters insurance from the State Farm Insurance website. Auto insurance is available on Progressive.
If you are looking for more information on what is the cost of renters insurance for the average person, the best place to look for the information is on
No, homeowners insurance typically only covers property and liability for property owners, not renters. Renters should consider purchasing renters insurance, which can protect their personal belongings in the event of theft or burglary.