Yes! I thought this was a folk lore, however I have had several warts including plantar warts that I had burned off, frozen, Acid etc.. and the only thing that worked was rubbing an old copper penny on them. Pennies have both copper and zinc in them, so I am not sure which element is responsible for killing the virus, but it works
Hand sanitizer will not get rid of warts.
NO! But, you can try using a pummis rock and shaving it down then putting athletes foot cream on it. Because of the tolnaftate that is in it it will kill the surface of the wart. The root of the wart should be burned by appling calus remover because it has 17% of a special acid. Ask your doctor about this acid they will tell you. Then whe you are at the root and applied the acid you will be good in a week. And when cleaning the wart use rubbing alcohol, soap and water, then rubbing alcohol again. It worked for me now j hope it works for you.
See a doctor. The strains of HPV that cause lip warts are significantly more likely to be associated with cancer than those that cause common warts.
No it does not hurt.
The way I got rid of several warts was by applying apple cider vinegar for maybe 2 weeks and they dissappeared. Just soak a cotton ball in it then apply and cover with a bandage. Change it maybe 2 to 3 times a day.
Hand sanitizer will not get rid of warts.
Genital warts typically go away on their own. Treatments are available to get rid of them faster.
NO! But, you can try using a pummis rock and shaving it down then putting athletes foot cream on it. Because of the tolnaftate that is in it it will kill the surface of the wart. The root of the wart should be burned by appling calus remover because it has 17% of a special acid. Ask your doctor about this acid they will tell you. Then whe you are at the root and applied the acid you will be good in a week. And when cleaning the wart use rubbing alcohol, soap and water, then rubbing alcohol again. It worked for me now j hope it works for you.
no, they make people disgusted GET RID OF EM!
YES!!! I have had terrible warts on my fingers. So I put duct tape on them and left it on for two days and my warts were gone.
They were afraid that if they told, Injun Joe would kill them.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that aloe vera effectively gets rid of warts. Warts are caused by a virus and typically require medical treatment to remove them completely. It's best to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment options.
Lagnob leaf can rid warts?
it depends what kind of bumps you have (warts e.g)
Yes, because sooner or later they will just spread.