NO! But, you can try using a pummis rock and shaving it down then putting athletes foot cream on it. Because of the tolnaftate that is in it it will kill the surface of the wart. The root of the wart should be burned by appling calus remover because it has 17% of a special acid. Ask your doctor about this acid they will tell you. Then whe you are at the root and applied the acid you will be good in a week. And when cleaning the wart use rubbing alcohol, soap and water, then rubbing alcohol again. It worked for me now j hope it works for you.
rubbing alcohol has higher specific heat
Applying rubbing alcohol to the skin is not toxic or dangerous. Rubbing alcohol however should under no circumstances be drunk.
I have warts on my finger tips. Will bleach kill these, and how do I apply it?
When used rubbing alcohol is a fairly safe cleaning agent. The main problem its effectiveness as a solvent, sometimes it will destroy the item when trying to clean the item. It is not for some surface. Rubbing alcohol should always be used in a well ventilated area. Keep rubbing alcohol away from painted surfaces, shellac, lacquer, and some man made fabrics.
No. You can however freeze them with kits you can get a walmart.
Will rubbing alcohol kill lice on furniture
Rubbing alcohol will kill just about anything it comes in contact with. Apply liberally.
Yes, rubbing alcohol can effectively kill salmonella bacteria. Rubbing alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol, is a disinfectant that can help to kill a variety of bacteria, including salmonella. It is important to use rubbing alcohol properly and follow the instructions for disinfection to ensure effectiveness.
Yes, it can kill a plant within weeks. Do no try to water a plant with rubbing alcohol unless you expect to kill it.
yes it does
10 ounces
The rubbing alchohol could kill the termites but only for small mounds.If there is a huge mound better call a professional.
theoretically, if you were to place HIV in a cap full of rubbing alcohol, it would not live very long. Drinking alcohol will not kill HIV Rubbing it on a cut after suspected exposure helps, but does not guarantee that you dont get the virus. Cleaning your instruments and skin with alcohol before any type of injection is always recommended.Yes.
Rubbing alcohol can kill wool-eating moths on contact, but it may not be effective in eradicating an infestation. It's best to use a combination of methods for moth removal, including cleaning and vacuuming affected areas, using moth traps, and storing wool items properly.
Rubbing alcohol may be able to kill streptococcus bacteria on surfaces, but it is not recommended for treating a strep throat infection within the body. Strep throat is best treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare provider.
Sure. Just make it a viking funeral.