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Absolutely. Any job will fire you for alcohol consumption before or during any part of your shift. Your question is a joke, or you didn't even fill out your own application. the application makes substance abuse policy very clear and you were required to sign it to be hired.

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Q: Can a walmart employee get fired for drinking alcohol on lunch break?
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Can an employee at walmart get fired for drinking alcohol on lunch break?

Yes. Being affected by alcohol while at work justifies firing or lesser disciplione, with zero protection.

How much is the Nerf barrel break at Walmart?

u cant get it in walmart u can only get it in toy-r-us and amazon

Does Walmart have hair ribbons?

most likely . If they do not have the type you want , you can always buy a spool of ribbon , just in-case they get dirty or start to break . And if they don't have it , try a fabric store .

How much money is a skateboard from Walmart?

Do not buy a skateboard from Walmart. They are very poor quaility, and if you are good at skating the board will break the first day you use it.

Why is Walmart ruining the economy?

Because walmart is the leading supermarket chain. However it buys mainly from offshore. So basically, all the money Americans spend at walmart goes to china.Say, were playing monopoly. Everytime I buy property I throw that money away. We will call the floor China. So by the time I buy all the property on the board all the money is in China. Now every time you land on a space, or say shop a space, I keep that money. We will call you America.Also, most people who work at walmart shop at walmart because most walmart employees don't have much money and walmart is cheap. So that money doesn't go back into the economy except for bills.There you have it.So here is the cycle at a glimpseMoney>You>Walmart>China^Walmart Employee^>Utilities^WalmartTo give an idea of why this is a big deal, walmart/sams club employs more people than the us government, that includes the military. Also when walmart donates money, they get a tax break. That tax money is basically taken from U.S. and given to China.

Related questions

Can an employee at walmart get fired for drinking alcohol on lunch break?

Yes. Being affected by alcohol while at work justifies firing or lesser disciplione, with zero protection.

Is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) a from of alcohol recovery?

AA is a 12-step program designed to help its participants gain control over their drinking and stop drinking for good. It can be a very valuable resource for those trying to break the cycle of alcoholism.

Can a breathlyzer determined if you have been drinking if taking the next day?

Yes, if there is alcohol still in your blood from the day before. On average, healthy adult bodies can break down 10ml of alcohol in an hour. A glass of wine (125ml), a shot of spirit or a 1/2 pint of beer contains about 10ml of alcohol and thus after drinking this amount you will be clear of alcohol in one hour. However, if you started drinking at 9pm and had 5 pints of beer and 4 shots of scotch then you will have taken in 14 units of alcohol. This will take 14 hours to metabolize so you will show positive on the breathalyser until 11am the next day.

What are the long - term effect of alcohol on the body?

Alcohol abuse can have negative long term effects on your body and it has been linked to many illnesses. That's why drinking in moderation is important. The liver can break down about one drink or unit of alcohol an hour, and if you drink in moderation your liver will be able to metabolize the alcohol with no problem. Drinking alcohol in moderation is associated with better health and living longer. A major benefit of drinking moderately is that it dramatically reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, the major cause of death in Western countries. However, it also reduces the risk of type 2 Diabetes and other serious diseases.

What does alcohol do to the liver?

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to three types of liver conditions - fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. You are unlikely to develop these problems if you drink within the recommended safe limits. For all types of liver disease caused by alcohol, the main treatment is to stop drinking completely.

Is an employer required to give an employee a break?


Can you drink more alcohol if you re in good physical shape?

NO! Alcohol affects your brain as well as your body. A human liver can only break down one unit of alcohol an hour no matter how fit you are. Drinking more only adds stress to your liver and increases your likeliness of developing cirrhosis of the liver.

Does your blood alcohol level go up after you stop drinking?

Yes, peak BAC peaks after drinking has stopped. It's important to understand that any alcohol breath test taken while BAC is increasing will report a significantly higher (and incorrect) apparent BAC.

Why spirit don't have 100 percent alcohol?

Spirit cannot be 100 percent alcohol because water is typically added during the distillation process to control the strength and flavor profile of the final product. Pure alcohol at 100 percent would be extremely potent and overwhelming for consumption. Diluting it with water also helps bring out certain flavors and aromas in the spirit.

How does alcohol damage the liver?

It causes fatty tissue to build up in the liver, it suppresses enzymes needed to break down toxins in the body, and it causes scar tissue to form inside the liver (cirrhosis).

How do you spell imployee?

The correct spelling is employee, a person who is employed by an employer.

What areas of the brain are impacted by heavy drinking?

Alcohol affects the entire brain. It depresses all functions in it- from the logic centers to the parts of the brain that control vital functions when someone drinks too much. That is why a person who drinks too much passes out, and why people die from alcohol poisoning