Yes, peak BAC peaks after drinking has stopped. It's important to understand that any alcohol breath test taken while BAC is increasing will report a significantly higher (and incorrect) apparent BAC.
The only behavior that can lower BAC is patiently waiting for time to pass.
how to stop them from drinking alcohol
No. If anything, it would thin a bit, since about the only thing that thickens your blood is dehydration, which can be caused by alcohol.
If you maintain the same level of physical activity and calories, then yes. Alcohol contains calories
On average, your blood alcohol level drops by about 0.015 grams per deciliter (g/dL) per hour once you stop drinking. Factors like body weight, metabolism, and food consumption can affect this rate. It usually takes several hours for your blood alcohol level to return to zero.
Drinking alcohol will stop the tremors temporarily. However, the long term solution is to stop drinking.
a campaign to stop the drinking of alcohol
You stop drinking alcohol or drink it moderately.
Not physically, but heavy drinking stops emotional growth.
yes because alcohol is an addiction
Stop Drinking!