absolutely- they can cause heart enlargement and decrease function
Extended opiate use has been implicated in a form of sleep apnea that can, indeed, lead to congestive heart failure and other problems.
Unless it's been recommended by your doctor - only if you have a death wish. Steroids and heart failure are both serious things, you really shouldn't be self-medicating and tinkering with either.
Cayenne pepper is a potent blood circulation stimulant. Obviously, improving blood circulation is important to a healthy heart. It is known for its ability to stop heart attacks, and regulate blood pressure. In Chinese medicine, we are able to evaluate the Yin/Yang balance of the body, and specific organ systems. Often times, very hot herbs can exacerbate Yang conditions in the body. For example, the stomach can become 'Yin Deficient', a condition that may have signs of intense hunger and thirst. This condition would be intensified with the use of cayenne, as would many, many other conditions. There are many herbs that would safely address congestive heart failure that do not disrupt the Yin/Yang balance of the body; hawthorn, linden, and yarrow come to mind. There are also well balanced formulas that contain gentle blood movers, such as red sage, that help to improve congestive heart failure.
Several of the MANY side effects of steroid use do include Cardiovascular disease by an increase of LDL, or bad cholesterol, and a decrease of HDL (the good cholesterol). High cholesterol is one of the leading risk factors associated to heart attacks and CVD.
Your use of the word "attack" along with the word "non-communicable" makes me wonder whether you really mean what you seem to mean. Micro-organisms attack the body, but they're communicable. Perhaps you meant to say "affect the heart"...? There are many non-infectious cardiac diseases. These include congenital anomolies such as Tetralogy of Fallot, coronary artery disease, left and right ventricular dysfunction (also known as heart failure), arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, connective tissue diseases such as amyloidosis, and many others. Also, there are diseases which are non-cardiac but which affect the heart's function. These include pulmonary hypertension, vasculitis, anxiety, drug abuse, and many others.
Extended opiate use has been implicated in a form of sleep apnea that can, indeed, lead to congestive heart failure and other problems.
Unless it's been recommended by your doctor - only if you have a death wish. Steroids and heart failure are both serious things, you really shouldn't be self-medicating and tinkering with either.
Miccil is a Diuretic usually used to treat High Blood Pressure, Swelling, Congestive Heart Failure, etc.
MLD should not be used for patients with active cancer, deep vein clots, congestive heart failure, or cellulitis
It should not be used for patients with active cancer, deep vein clots, congestive heart failure, or cellulitis
NO!!! he uses heart
Congestive heart disease is a condition in which an individual's body becomes congested with fluids because the heart is unable to pump enough nutrients and oxygen to meet the needs of the kidneys and other vital organs. With congestive heart disease, an individual's heart becomes either too enlarged or too stiff to be able to pump blood efficiently throughout the body. This causes blood to move through the body at a slower rate. Over time, the slower blood flow causes the kidneys to malfunction and start retaining water and sodium. The fluid builds up in areas such as the ankles, feet, legs and lungs and eventually causes the body to become congested. Congestive heart disease is often also referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF).Causes of congestive heart failureCongestive heart disease is often caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries as the result of a build-up of plaque and other fatty materials on the walls of the coronary arteries. Heart failure and heart disease can also result from a heart attack that damages all or part of an individual's heart muscle. In addition, conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and thyroid disease can also cause heart muscles to get damaged and lead to heart disease.Symptoms of heart diseasePeople with congestive heart disease sometimes have no obvious symptoms of the problem. In most cases though, the disease manifests itself in some way or the other. One common symptom of congestive heart failure is shortness of breath, wheezing and difficulty breathing because of fluid build-up in the lungs. Swollen ankles, swollen feet and a bloated abdomen are also common signs of congestive heart failure. Other symptoms include irregular and rapid heart beats, constant fatigue and weakness, nausea and loss of appetite.Treating congestive heart diseaseCongestive heart disease cannot be reversed. However, it can be managed and treated with medication. Some commonly used medications to treat congestive heart disease include ACE inhibitors for controlling hypertension, beta blockers for regulating blood pressure and oxygen use, diuretics to protect against fluid retention and nitroglycerin-based tables for treating chest pain. Regular exercise and a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in meat and sodium, can go a long way in mitigating the symptoms of heart failure. Lifestyle changes that help individuals reduce stress and lose weight are also very beneficial in treating the symptoms of congestive heart disease.
The Captopril package insert lists hypertension as the main use for the drug. "Captopril is most commonly used to treat hypertension, but also has been used for other heart conditions such as congestive heart failure."
There is no safe way to gain muscle strength using steroids because they are dangerous to use. Use of steroids can cause heart problems, mood swings, liver damage, depression, heart damage, and a host of other problems.
Cayenne pepper is a potent blood circulation stimulant. Obviously, improving blood circulation is important to a healthy heart. It is known for its ability to stop heart attacks, and regulate blood pressure. In Chinese medicine, we are able to evaluate the Yin/Yang balance of the body, and specific organ systems. Often times, very hot herbs can exacerbate Yang conditions in the body. For example, the stomach can become 'Yin Deficient', a condition that may have signs of intense hunger and thirst. This condition would be intensified with the use of cayenne, as would many, many other conditions. There are many herbs that would safely address congestive heart failure that do not disrupt the Yin/Yang balance of the body; hawthorn, linden, and yarrow come to mind. There are also well balanced formulas that contain gentle blood movers, such as red sage, that help to improve congestive heart failure.
William Withering was the discoverer of digitalis which cures dropsy. Dropsy (nowadays called edema) is congestive heart failure. This means that the heart as a pump cannot deliver oxygen rich blood to the body and therefore stops circulation.
Anabolic steroids can be authorized for use for delayed puberty, AIDs, or cancer. Side effects are: mood swings, manic behavior, insomnia, and irritability. Steroids can cause men to lose their hair and their fertility. Steroids can also cause stunted growth, kidney failure, and liver failure. They typically cause depression and lack of a physical drive. Steroids are highly addictive.