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Cayenne pepper is a potent blood circulation stimulant. Obviously, improving blood circulation is important to a healthy heart. It is known for its ability to stop heart attacks, and regulate blood pressure.

In Chinese medicine, we are able to evaluate the Yin/Yang balance of the body, and specific organ systems. Often times, very hot herbs can exacerbate Yang conditions in the body. For example, the stomach can become 'Yin Deficient', a condition that may have signs of intense hunger and thirst. This condition would be intensified with the use of cayenne, as would many, many other conditions. There are many herbs that would safely address congestive heart failure that do not disrupt the Yin/Yang balance of the body; hawthorn, linden, and yarrow come to mind. There are also well balanced formulas that contain gentle blood movers, such as red sage, that help to improve congestive heart failure.

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Q: Does cayenne pepper help in cases of congestive heart failure?
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What is the medical term meaning End-stage heart disease?

Congestive (con - with/together + congerere = gathering) Heart Failure (CHF) is the final outcome, or end-stage, of heart disease where the heart is working as hard as it can, but still is not getting the job done. Causes include bacterial or viral infection, lifestyle contributing to heart problems and their is a genetic component in some cases.

What does bulimia do to your heart?

Irregular heart beat,heart muscle weakened,heart failure,low pulse and blood pressure

What is retroactive arthritis?

among the symptoms of shigellosis are high fever, loss of appetite and abdominal cramps. Severe cases might include seizures, a stiff neck, a headache and confusion. In some cases, shigella flexneri causes Reiter's syndrome, also called retroactive arthritis. This strain of shigella bacteria also is responsible for such symptoms as painful joints, eye irritation and painful urination, which occur in about two percent of cases. Dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting is a concern. It can lead to other severe complications, such as kidney failure. Children might need to be hospitalized if fever reaches more than 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is the word fork an adjective?

depends on the context of the most cases no, but in some rare cases, yes

How long does it take to recover from viral myocarditis?

Treatment will possibly prevent the heart from further deterioration but is unlikely to reverse the reduced function that has already occurred. Treatment for alcoholic cardiomyopathy involves lifestyle changes, including complete abstinence from alcohol use, a low sodium diet, and fluid restriction, as well as medications. Medications may include ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, and diuretics which are commonly used with other forms of cardiomyopathy to reduce the strain on the heart. Persons with congestive heart failure may be considered for surgical insertion of an ICD or a pacemaker which can improve heart function. In cases where the heart failure is irreversible and worsening, heart transplant may be considered.

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Some common cases seen in a medical ward include pneumonia, congestive heart failure, diabetes complications, sepsis, and urinary tract infections. These conditions often require specialized medical treatment and monitoring in a hospital setting.

What would congestive heart failure be an example of?

Congestive heart failure is an example of a chronic cardiac condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood effectively to meet the body's needs. This leads to fluid accumulation in the body, causing symptoms like shortness of breath and fatigue. Treatment often involves medications, lifestyle changes, and in severe cases, surgical interventions such as heart transplant.

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heart failure, respiratory failure, and liver failure, in extreme cases

How do you describe congestive heart failure?

Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. This can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling in the legs and abdomen. It can be managed with lifestyle changes, medications, and sometimes procedures or surgery.

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Dialysis is only necessary in cases of kidney failure. In most cases, heart patients do not also have kidney failure, and if they do, they are in serious trouble. Therefore, no, in most cases dialysis is not necessary after heart surgery.

Living With Congestive Heart Disease?

Congestive heart disease is a condition in which an individual's body becomes congested with fluids because the heart is unable to pump enough nutrients and oxygen to meet the needs of the kidneys and other vital organs. With congestive heart disease, an individual's heart becomes either too enlarged or too stiff to be able to pump blood efficiently throughout the body. This causes blood to move through the body at a slower rate. Over time, the slower blood flow causes the kidneys to malfunction and start retaining water and sodium. The fluid builds up in areas such as the ankles, feet, legs and lungs and eventually causes the body to become congested. Congestive heart disease is often also referred to as congestive heart failure (CHF).Causes of congestive heart failureCongestive heart disease is often caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries as the result of a build-up of plaque and other fatty materials on the walls of the coronary arteries. Heart failure and heart disease can also result from a heart attack that damages all or part of an individual's heart muscle. In addition, conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease and thyroid disease can also cause heart muscles to get damaged and lead to heart disease.Symptoms of heart diseasePeople with congestive heart disease sometimes have no obvious symptoms of the problem. In most cases though, the disease manifests itself in some way or the other. One common symptom of congestive heart failure is shortness of breath, wheezing and difficulty breathing because of fluid build-up in the lungs. Swollen ankles, swollen feet and a bloated abdomen are also common signs of congestive heart failure. Other symptoms include irregular and rapid heart beats, constant fatigue and weakness, nausea and loss of appetite.Treating congestive heart diseaseCongestive heart disease cannot be reversed. However, it can be managed and treated with medication. Some commonly used medications to treat congestive heart disease include ACE inhibitors for controlling hypertension, beta blockers for regulating blood pressure and oxygen use, diuretics to protect against fluid retention and nitroglycerin-based tables for treating chest pain. Regular exercise and a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in meat and sodium, can go a long way in mitigating the symptoms of heart failure. Lifestyle changes that help individuals reduce stress and lose weight are also very beneficial in treating the symptoms of congestive heart disease.

What is the medical term meaning End-stage heart disease?

Congestive (con - with/together + congerere = gathering) Heart Failure (CHF) is the final outcome, or end-stage, of heart disease where the heart is working as hard as it can, but still is not getting the job done. Causes include bacterial or viral infection, lifestyle contributing to heart problems and their is a genetic component in some cases.

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Most cases of renal failure can be attributed to high blood pressure and diabetes. There are other conditions which can cause renal failure, but it isn't common.

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Negligence attorneys are lawyers that specialize in malpractice law and such cases. They deal with cases of employer neglect and failure to uphold safety requirements and other responsibilities.

How much Dr Pepper is consumed in a year?

According to Beverage Digest, Dr Pepper/Diet Dr Pepper accounted for 8.3% of carbonated soft drink production in the US in 2012, which they estimate at 9.116 billion cases. This translates to 756.628 million cases of Dr Pepper. They define a case as sixteen 12 fluid ounce cans. This would equate to 12.106 billion cans of Dr Pepper/Diet Dr Pepper and its varieties produced in one year! Assuming on average all cans produced in a year are consumed in a year, that is 12.1 billion cans of Dr Pepper consumed in a year. These statistics are based on estimates from Beverage Digest using reliably sourced information. Actual production may vary from this number.

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In Vitro fertilization is not extremely effective. There is a failure rate which can be as high as 75% in many cases.

Are there any lawsuits pending AVANDIA?

Yes. More than 10k cases have already been settled, but GlaxoSmithKline faces more than 13k+ additional lawsuits pertaining to Avandia (Rosiglitzone) usage and heart attack risk. The best cases are for individuals who took Avandia and suffered heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure, and/or cardiac death before the Black Box Warning Label packaging for Avandia in November 2007. Many state statutes are requiring that the injury be within a 2-year window of of taking Avandia.