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Yes, in most cases they probably would.

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Q: Would the insurance company for the owner of the car cover for accident happened when a person with temporary permit driving the car alone and that learner is over 21?
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What company in Georgia offers temporary car insurance?

State Farm offers temporary car insurance in Georgia so that you're covered if you drive somebody else vehicle then you're covered in the event of an accident.

What recourse do I have if the at fault driver will not contact his insurance company about the accident?

If this happened to me, I would find out what my insurance company can do and from there contact the police or file a civil or small claims suit. None, if the accident wasn't reported to the police.

Is insurance company still liable for medical payments even you no longer carry that insurance?

The insurance should cover an accident while it was in force. If you had insurance 2 months ago and the accident happened 2 months ago, coverages should apply. If the accident happened today and the coverage stopped 2 months ago, there should not be coverage.

Does an insurance company have to prove the date of an accident or disprove when you say it happened?

In most insurance claims, the burden of proof is on the claimant - in other words, YOU have to prove the accident occurred for them to pay off the claim.

If I was in a accident with someone who had insurancee in their fathers name and that insurance doesn't cover all my bill and his son got insurance through another company will that insurance kick in.?

NO. the accident happened while he had his fathers car insurance. If he switches insurance he still uses the insurance he had when he got into his accident. However, your health insurance with pick up the difference.

Does your auto insurance company have to defend you against lawsuits from accidents?

Yes as long as your policy was active when the accident happened.

Is there still a life insurance company named Citizens Home Insurance company?

Citizens Home insurance Company was a family members company as well. We have an assumption certificate that states the Independent Life and Accident Insurance company in Jacksonville, FL effective September 8, 1981. I have googled the Independent life and Accident Insurance and this is what I have found: In 1997 Independent Life and Accident Insurance company merged to American General Life and Accident as well as Home Beneficial Insurance Company and Gulf Life Insurance Company. American General Life and Accident Insurance Company was acquired by AIG in 2001 You can visit their website at Hope this helps.

Who took over independent life and amp accident insurance company?

who took over independent life and accident insurance company

If you meet with with an accident on the last day of your insurance coverage will insurance company pay for it and Can you report accident after the last day?

Generally, your coverage expires at midnight on the last day of your policy. Until then, you are covered. There may be some time limit during which you must report an accident, but if it happened while you were covered, the insurance company should take care if it.

After a vehicle accident, how does the driver contact the insurance company to arrange auto repairs.?

You can call your insurance company and tell them what happened over the phone and they should give you all the information you need about your accident and or any other questions or statements you need to know about what you need to do.

Do you get a citation if your insurance company finds you at fault for an accident in California?

Not if it happened on private property and generally speaking if you weren't issued a ticket at the scene of the accident you most likely won't get one later. The insurance company can't issue a citation. Only the police can do that.

What is the purpose of the accident plan?

It could be an insurance policy taken out with an insurance company in case of an accident.