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Q: Who is the the Asian actress in the Feed The Pig commercial with the hot air balloon?
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What do Asian rhinos eat?

Asian rhinos are herbivore animals, they just feed on plants. They just feed from bushes and low hanging branch of trees.

What does a locust feed on?

Locusts feed on vegetation - ANY vegetation... from flower leaves to commercial crops.

What eats Asian black bear?

They are omnivores and feed on insects, herbs, honey and such.

How many times do you feed a balloon belly molly fish?

Feed tropical fish flakes twice daily as much as it will consume in three to five minutes.

Who is the crest 3d white toothpaste commercial actress?

Carolina Brandao is correct, regardless of what the other person thinks. She is a Brazilian model. If you look at her Twitter feed, she has several pics on there, and it is clearly the same beautiful woman.

What do Asian beetles eat?

Asian Beetles primarily diet is to eat other insects. One of the insects they feed on is Aphids; A harmful insect that can damage landscapes and plants in gardens.

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commercial farming is done on a large scale of land with big tool as in tractors and subsistence is done by feed in your family

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Famous oscar-caliber movie Actress but not, to my knowledge a songstress ( singer actress cross-feed) Marilyn Monroe and Gina Lollobrigida did cut some records, but not to my knowledge, Elizabeth Taylor.

Can chickens be feed beet pulp?

Chickens can eat anything that humans eat. Beet pulp is high in nutrients and makes an excellent supplement to commercial feed. They will enjoy the variety.

Can you feed meat or sardines to chickens?

Chickens are omnivores and can eat almost anything. It is a myth that they only eat grains and commercial feed. They love fish and other proteins. Never feed your birds spoiled meat as it can make them sick.

What Can you feed a blood parrot?

Good parents are omnivores. They eat commercial Cichlid food, goldfish food, blood worms... And just about everything else!

How should I feed my rabbit vegetables when she absolutely hates them?

If your rabbit hates vegetables, try leafy greens. If she won't eat leafy greens, buy commercial rabbit pellets to feed her.