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The diadem was hidden in the Room of Requirement

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At Hogwarts, in the Room of Requirement.

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Q: Where was the Diadem Horcrux hidden?
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Wasn't Voldemort supposed to have a horcrux in his body?

No there was no horcrux in voldemorts body. The only horcruxes were the snake, the hufflepuff cup,tom riddles diary ,the ring,the locket,the diadem, and the fragment attached to harry. What was in voldemorts body was the last bit of his soul that he didnt turn into a horcrux. So after all the horcruxes were destroyed all that was left was his last piece of soul which harry destroyed (:

Who destroyed the seven Horcuxes?

Horcrux #1- the diary, Harry Potter destroyed using a basilisk fang Horcrux #2- the Gaunt Ring, killed by Dumbledore Horcrux #3- the Slytherin locket, killed by Ron Weasley with the sword of Godric Gryffindor Horcrux #4-the cup of Hufflepuff, killed by Hermione Granger by a basilisk fang Horcrux #5- the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw, killed by Harry Potter by a fire in the Room of Requirement Horcrux #6- the snake Nagini, killed by Neville Longbottom by the sword of Godric Gryffindor Horcrux #7- Harry Potter, killed by Lord Voldemort by the "Avada Kedavra" killing curse

What is a diadem in Harry Potter?

Harry Potter finds the Lost Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw in the Room of Requirement after thinking "I need the place where everything is hidden." It was perched atop "a stone bust of an old man wearing a wig and a tiara! It's standing on a cupboard..."This information can be found in Chapter Thirty-One The Battle of Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling. (Page 628 in the Scholastic edition.)

What is the sixth horcrux in Harry Potter?

Lord Volemorts horcruxes included: - Tom Riddle's Diary - Slytherin's locket - The ring - Helga Hufflepuffs cup - The diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw - Harry Potter - Nagini the snake

What was the last Horcrux and who destroyed it?

The last Horcrux both to be made and destroyed was Nagini.

Related questions

Who has the Horcrux in Harry Potter?

It depends what Horcrux. The dairy Horcrux was given to Lucius Malfoy who passed it onto Ginny Weasley. It was destroyed by Harry in second year. The ring Horcrux was hidden in the Gaunt house. It was destroyed by Dumbledore. The locket Horcrux was taken by Regulus Black, Sirius' dead brother. It then ended up in possession of Umbridge. Ron destroyed it. The cup Horcrux was hidden inside Bellatrix Lestrange's Gingotts vault. It was destroyed by Hermione Granger. The diadem Horcrux was hidden inside the Room of Requirement. It was destroyed by Crabbe's fiendfyre. Harry was never hiding and Nagini was with Voldemort.

Did the horcrux stay in Harry Potter?

No. It was destroyed when Voldemort cast the Killing Curse on Harry in the Forest. During the scene where Harry talks to Dumbledore in the 'Kings Cross' scene, the deformed creature is the part of Voldemort's soul that lived inside of Harry.

Does Harry Potter know the diadem is a Horcrux?

He suspects but he isn't sure. Harry knows that all the founders of Hogwarts had items. He knew that Salazar's locket was a Horcrux and because Tom Riddle/Voldemort thought of Hogwarts as home it made sense to make them into Horcruxes. However, the diadem was 'lost' so Harry wasn't sure even Voldemort had found it until after reading Voldemort's mind he found out where it was and that it was a Horcrux.

Is there a Horcrux hidden inside Voldemort?

No, part of Voldemort's soul is inside Voldemort but it isn't a Horcrux because it was always there.

Which is second last horcrux in Harry Potter?

1. Tom Marvolo Riddle diary 2. Marvolo's ring 3. Salazar Slytherin's locket 4. Rowena Ravenclaw's cup 5. Helena Hufflepuff's diadem (tiara) 6. Nagini 7.Harry Potter

What is the four horcrux?

here were the 7 horcruxes in the order they were destroyedriddles diarythe ringthe necklacehufflepuff cupthe lost diadem nagini snakeharry potter himself

What is the diadem in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

A diadem is a jeweled crown worn as a symbol of sovereignty. The diadem in the Harry Potter books is Rowena Ravenclaw's and it was believed that it bestowed apon the wearer incredible wit. It was stolen by her daughter a long time ago and was lost. This is why the diadem is refered to as "the lost diadem of Ravenclaw" In the last part of the book, Harry and his friends believe it is a horcrux and contains a piece of Lord Voldemorts soul. Voldemort cannot die without all the horcruxes being destroyed so therefore, Harry needs to destroy the diadem. The only problem is that it is lost.

What are the six Horcurxes in 'Harry Potter'?

Totally there are seven horcruxes. Horcrux No:1 - Tom Riddle's Diary (that came in the Harry Potter & the chamber of secrets) Horcrux No:2 - Gaunt ring (which came into Voldemort's possession when he stole it from Marvolo Gaunt) Horcrux No:3 - Slytherin's Locket (original was replaced by a fake one by Regulus Black) Horcrux No:4 - Helga Hufflepuff's cup Horcrux No:5 - Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem Horcrux No:6 - Part of voldemort's soul that was inside Harry Horcrux No:7 - Nagini (Voldemort's snake)

Which Horcrux in Harry Potter is a cup?

Voldemort took Helga Huffelpuff's Cup from a descendant of hers, Hepzibah Smith, who showed the cup to him in Borgin and Burkes. She was found dead two days later, Voldemort had poisoned her and stolen the cup as well as Salazar Slytherin's locket (which he also made into a horcrux) from her home.

Wasn't Voldemort supposed to have a horcrux in his body?

No there was no horcrux in voldemorts body. The only horcruxes were the snake, the hufflepuff cup,tom riddles diary ,the ring,the locket,the diadem, and the fragment attached to harry. What was in voldemorts body was the last bit of his soul that he didnt turn into a horcrux. So after all the horcruxes were destroyed all that was left was his last piece of soul which harry destroyed (:

Who destroyed the seven Horcuxes?

Horcrux #1- the diary, Harry Potter destroyed using a basilisk fang Horcrux #2- the Gaunt Ring, killed by Dumbledore Horcrux #3- the Slytherin locket, killed by Ron Weasley with the sword of Godric Gryffindor Horcrux #4-the cup of Hufflepuff, killed by Hermione Granger by a basilisk fang Horcrux #5- the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw, killed by Harry Potter by a fire in the Room of Requirement Horcrux #6- the snake Nagini, killed by Neville Longbottom by the sword of Godric Gryffindor Horcrux #7- Harry Potter, killed by Lord Voldemort by the "Avada Kedavra" killing curse

Who defeats the hocruxes?

Each one is different The Diary - Harry The Snake (Nagini) - Neville The Goblet - Hermione The Locket - Ron The Ring - Dumbledore Harry (the accidental Horcrux) - Voldemort The Diadem - Crabbe