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No there was no horcrux in voldemorts body. The only horcruxes were the snake, the hufflepuff cup,tom riddles diary ,the ring,the locket,the diadem, and the fragment attached to harry. What was in voldemorts body was the last bit of his soul that he didnt turn into a horcrux. So after all the horcruxes were destroyed all that was left was his last piece of soul which harry destroyed (:

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Q: Wasn't Voldemort supposed to have a horcrux in his body?
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What were the 8 pieces Vodemort split his soul into?

Voldemort split his soul into eight parts - seven into his seven Horcruxes, and the last piece was the piece remaining in his physical body. His horcruxes were;Tom Riddle's diary,Rowena Revenclaw's Diadem,Helga Hufflepuff's Cup,Marvolo Gaunt's Ring (Voldemort's maternal grandfather's ring)Salazar Slytherin's locket,Nagini (Voldemort's snake)Harry Potter (Due to back firing of the killing curse)And Professor Quirrell was not a horcrux.

Why does Harry Potter hurt his scraf when he saw snape?

It didn't hurt because he looked at Snape. Professor Quirrel was right next to Snape, and it was Quirrel that made Harry's scar hurt because he was sharing his body with Voldemort. His scar hurt because the Horcrux inside Harry could sense Voldemort and was attempting to leave Harry's body.

Did Dumbledore and Voldemort live in Little Hangleton?

Little Hangleton was a muggle town where the Gaunt family (Voldemort's mother) and Riddle family (Voldemort's family) lived. Voldemort himself, never lived there. His lived his whole childhood in a muggle orphanage. Voldemort did spend time in his grandparents old house when he was working on getting his body back. There is no mention of Dumbledore ever living there.

Who killed Peter Pettigrew in Harry Potter?

Peter was supposed to kill Harry Potter in Malfoy Manor, as Harry was trying to escape, however he hesitated and his own silver hand, given to him in Goblet of Fire by Voldemort, strangled him to death because he showed weakness.

Why was dumbledore cursed?

AnswerThe exact curse was never specified, but it was caused by him wearing a cursed ring.AnswerAvada Kedavra, cast by Severus Snape. But he was already poisoned and cursed, so he would have died soon anyway.

Related questions

Is Harry really the final horcrux?

Yes a part of Voldemort's soul was placed in him when Voldemort tried to kill him. Voldemort never meant to do that. Basically when the curse rebounded his soul left his body and attached to the only other living body in the house.

Is there an eighth horcrux?

There are seven horcruxes: Tom Riddles diary, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Nagini (Voldemort's pet snake) and the part of Voldemort's soul that is in Harry Potter. Then there is the eighth part of soul that resides in Voldemort's body (this part of soul does not count as a horcrux). However, Nagini was made a horcrux after Tom Riddle's Diary was destroyed so only six horcruxes ever existed at once (Nagini was made a horcrux with the murder of Bertha Jorkins in the sixth book).

How was a part of Lord Voldemort inside of Harry Potter?

Lily Potter died for Harry and the loved she showed was something Voldemort could never understand. Therefore his killing curse backfired and it hit Voldemort. However, Voldemort has already made five Horcruxes and so couldn't die. A piece of Voldemort's soul escaped from his body and was forced to latch on to the only other living resource in that area, which was Harry, creating an accidental Horcrux that Voldemort knew nothing about. That is how Harry inherited the ability to speak to snakes and had a connection to Voldemort. When the Horcrux was removed he could no longer speak to snakes.

Did Dumbledore really plan for Harry to die at the hands of Voldemort and if so why didnt he have to in order to defeat Voldemort?

Yes, and because of Harry's blood that was in Voldemort's artificial body -- that created a special connection between the two of them, giving a Harry a chance not to die when the horcrux in him got destroyed.

Why did Voldemort ressurrect through harry and not through the other horcruxes?

A Horcrux does not help you in creating new body, it just keeps your soul in this world after your death. Voldemort needed blood of an enemy for his new body, so he choose Harry's blood, it had nothing to do with Harry being a HCX.

What is under the blanket in the train station when Harry potter sees dumbeldore?

it is the piece of voldemort's soul that lived inside harry. it was separated from harry's body when voldemort cast the avada kedavra spell on him, he basically destroyed his own horcrux (harry)

Does Harry Potter find all the horcuxes?

yes, the other horcruxes are:1. Tom Riddle's Diary 2. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring 3. Slytherin's Locket 4. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup 5. The Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw 6. (unknown to Voldemort) Harry Potter himself. 7. Nagini the snake

Why did Harry Potter's scar hurt when he was standing next to Professor Quirrell?

Lord Voldemort was sharing his body with Professor Quirrell, resulting in Harry's scar hurting.J.K. Rowling revealed that Harry's scar hurt whenever he was near Lord Voldemort because the Horcrux inside him was trying to leave Harry and return to Voldemort.

Explain how Harry Potter is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes?

Most dark wizards never make more than one Horcrux...MAYBE two. Voldemort made SIX (seven, including Harry). Murder rips the soul. That's how you make a Horcrux. You murder someone, which rips your soul in two, and you can store one piece in an object, where it will remain alive should your body die. Ripping the soul makes it unstable. Since Voldemort ripped his soul so many times, he made it VERY unstable. And on the night that the killing curse that was meant for Harry rebounded and hit Voldemort instead, a piece of Voldemort's soul flew out and fused or joined itself with Harry's soul. So, since Harry has a piece of Voldemort's soul in him, he is in fact a living Horcrux.

Why does Harry Potter not die when cursed by Voldemort in the Deathly Hallows?

Harry does not die because Voldemort kills the part of his own soul that resides in Harry's body. When Voldemort first tried to kill Harry as a baby, he unknowingly split his soul again and made Harry a Horcrux. Dumbledore suspected it and he knew that Harry must "die" if Voldemort was to be killed. Does that make any sense? I hope it does! <3

Why didn't Lord Voldemort have a nose?

Voldemort's nose became snake like after he spent many years possessing snakes and eventually turned one of them into a Horcrux. This happened after the events of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

How is the part of Voldemorts soul stored in Harry's body destroyed?

Voldemort killed Harry in the Deathly Hallows. He was in Limbo where he saw Dumbledore, Dumbledore explained some things to Harry there. He chose to return and finish the war. So in short: Voldemort killed Harry therefore destroying the Horcrux in Harry.