In mission 2 the bait is an O berry. You combine the rope and a ski to make a fishing pole, tie the o berry to the pole and catch a fish.
seaweed pizza
use the yellow fish for bait
In the loodge there is a candle, you take the candle and use that as the bait. You put the candle on the net you made.
Bump the top of the cave to the left. A worm will fall if you bump hard enough
you have to mate
create a new penguin
by the dock
Go to the Pizza parlor and get a candle as bait.
add cutiepie558911 and 123awesomeoucho on moshi monster
seaweed pizza
there is a shark in the ice fishing game on club penguin and the shark bites off your bait and you loose a life.
The bag of puffle O's
On Club penguin, bait has 2 meanings. the first one means something you use to fish during the ice fishing game on CP. The second bait, as in bait items, are cheat items you can get using special cheat programs. However, by getting them, you get banned for 72 hours.
the candle in the pizza parlor
use the yellow fish for bait